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HomeMan TalkThings About Pregnancy Every Expectant Dad Should Know

Things About Pregnancy Every Expectant Dad Should Know


Pregnancy is a fantastic time for most women. However, this can be somewhat stressful for men who have scanty information about pregnancy. Some wonder how to better care for their pregnant wives, while others have issues adapting to the changes. Nonetheless, it’s crucial to educate yourself on pregnancy, and this will help you to take care of your pregnant wife.

Here are things about pregnancy that all expectant dads should know:

1. Weight gain is normal

Weight gain is typical among most pregnant women, and this may be due to cravings and the consumption of too many sugary foods. The growing baby also adds some extra weight. Avoid talking about how big she’s getting, instead plan for a baby shower early in advance. To make this memorable, gift your wife beautiful baby shower dresses that she can wear even after delivery. This way, she’ll not only look stunning but also feel loved and cherished.

2. Cravings are common in pregnancy.

Pregnant women tend to love certain foods and dislike others. Many crave ice cream, pickles, red peppers, and peanut butter, and more. So, support her and be ready to pick for her some ice cream or cookies late and night. Although this may be somehow inconveniencing, it will make her happy, and that’s what matters.

 3. Tiredness

Fatigue is prevalent in pregnant women. Some of the causes of tiredness in pregnancy are hormonal changes, particularly in the first trimester. Your expectant wife will usually feel fatigued, as her body is working hard to accommodate the baby growing inside her. She may as well experience sleep problems, and this results in more tiredness. Help out with simple chores in the house, and this will give her more time to rest. 

4. Aches and pains

Pregnant women experience various emotional changes as they prepare for motherhood. Many body changes are visible mostly in the second trimester. During this period, you’re likely to have more body aches and pains, and this is because your body is stretching to accommodate your growing baby.

Your baby is fast gaining weight, and your body has to adjust to support that. The additional pressure may result in lower back pain. To help deal with such pain, give her back massages, for they are a great pain and tension reliever. 

5. You’ll have to get used to more pillows

As mentioned earlier, your pregnant wife may experience back pain and body aches, and she may use more pads to try to be more comfortable. So, expect more cushions on the bed; in some cases, there may not be enough space for you!

If this happens, look for a comfortable couch and give your wife all the space she needs. The pillow will help in easing the pain, and she will probably cuddle them instead of you. However, she’s trying everything to feel more comfortable, so don’t take everything personally.

6. Your sex life will change.

Several body changes happen during pregnancy, and these may slow down some things. Unfortunately, sex life is one of them. As the bump grows, your wife may need less or no sex, and you’ve to get used to this.

Moreover, she’ll need time to recover after delivery, and this may take longer if she undergoes a caesarian section delivery. The baby may also cry at night, and she’ll be up most of the time, and sex may be the last thing on her mind. Be patient and avoid pressuring her to get intimate when she isn’t ready.


Pregnancy comes with many changes, and it’s good to educate yourself about them. This way, you’ll understand your wife better, making it easier to care for her. Search online for educational materials and seek advice from the doctor on the best way to care for your pregnant wife.



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