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How to Rapidly Recover From an Injury: 6 Tips

Athletes know the struggle that accompanies a serious injury. You’re out in front of a stadium of spectators, and then you’re sprawled out on the ground with a broken leg. It’s a rough transition.

That said, accidents happen to everyone, regardless of whether or not you’re a world-class athlete. When they do, you can expect to be out of commission for a little while. 

Shortening the time it takes to recover from an injury has been an ongoing challenge. Here’s what we learned by studying athletes who recover quickly from their physical setbacks. 

1. Rest Is Critical to Recover From an Injury

Recent studies into the importance of sleep just reinforce what our bodies have been telling us all along: It’s the best thing for you. When you’re working to recover from an injury, it’s even more crucial than when you’re well.

When you’re at rest, your heart rate lowers and your body can devote more energy to regenerative processes. You also introduce hormones that can stimulate regrowth and recovery into the bloodstream and replenish cellular health.

If you want to get back on the field as soon as possible, you’d better get plenty of rest and relaxation while recovering. The same is true of working out and getting the most from exercise.

2. Be Ready to Get Back Out There

Sleep is essential, of course, but staying off a damaged limb after it’s healed isn’t a good way to avoid injury in the future. In fact, this could result in your body failing to regain the strength you had before.

When you begin to feel confident using the injured area again, you should work back to 100% exertion at a good pace. You don’t want to overdo it, but there are benefits to allowing the rested region to be challenged and strengthened as a result. This is effectively what you’re doing in physical therapy. 

3. Work With Your Doctor

When dealing with a serious injury, there is going to be some need for physical therapy and targeted exercise. Without this, you can spend weeks or months longer than necessary waiting for damaged muscles and bones to heal properly.

Doing it “by feel” isn’t a good idea. Even a broken bone will eventually heal without a cast, but it won’t do so correctly. Similarly, restoring your musculoskeletal function so you can continue performing the way you did before your injury is best done with the knowledge and help of a professional. 

It takes time to recover from an injury.

4. Antioxidants Can Help You Recover From an Injury

You’ve probably noticed the number of products that tout the health benefits of antioxidants. From the popular Brazillian acai berry to the old adage about a glass of red wine every day, we seem to be surrounded by these life-giving compounds. Has anyone conducted a study, though? Well, yes.

Antioxidants have now been connected to more rapid recovery thanks to some research carried out by the University of Texas. Patients taking medication that was high in antioxidant compounds were found to recover several days more quickly than their counterparts who didn’t receive the supplements.

Taking days off recovery time is definitely something you want in an athletic setting. At the same time, you should give yourself adequate time if you’re doing something arduous like running a marathon.

5. Guys, Maximize Your Testosterone

We know it sounds like a bro-ish science experiment, but the healing benefits of the male hormone are real. 

Don’t look for some underground lab that’ll inject you with more testosterone. There are methods you can use to maximize your natural production and thereby help you recover from an injury more quickly.

These include lifting heavy weights, which tears muscle and promotes testosterone generation. You can also eat foods that contain cholesterol, like red meat, cream and eggs, which help form the building blocks of testosterone. 

Avoid xenoestrogens, which reduce testosterone production. They show up in plastics, gasoline and toothpaste. Be aware of them if you want to maximize your healing potential. 

6. Leave Open Wounds Alone

Sometimes the longest and most agonizing part of injury recovery is letting a wound close. You know you shouldn’t pick at it, but it’s difficult to avoid when things are red, itchy and irritating.

Instead, try applying a compress or poultice to soothe the area. Picking at wounds will, for obvious reasons, only prolong the agony. You want to recover from an injury, not worsen it.

Get Back on Track

We hope these tips will help you get back to feeling 100% and on your way to doing what you love again.  

Having to recover from an injury is never fun, but with a little dedication and the right education, you’ll feel better and start performing at your best as quickly as possible. 


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