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How to Keep your Car Smelling Good

We all adore the scent of a brand-new car, but it only lasts for a short time. The scent of leather and the new upholstery transports us to happier days. Unfortunately, this odor does not stay very long. Our cars will begin to stink over in a while due to usage and poor habits. Maybe it’s because you spilled your drink a long time ago on the floor mats, or because your kids left their sweaty soccer cleats in the back seat. It can be unpleasant to drive when your car stinks, no matter what caused it – especially on a hot summer day. To help with some remedies and solutions, here are some suggestions for keeping your car smelling almost new.

How to keep your car smelling fresh without air fresheners

Observe Good cleaning habits

Apart from washing the outside of automobiles regularly, you also need to clean the interior. Car mats preserve carpeting by collecting the dirt that we carry into our vehicles every time we get in. It is critical to clean your mats regularly, whether they are carpeted or rubber. Remove them from the vehicle and clean any visible dirt or dust from the surface. Cleaning may be done with a scrub brush and dishwashing soap combined with water and also done with a vacuum. Before putting them in the car, hang them to dry. Aside from the mats, always keep your upholstery clean. While frequent vacuuming helps to keep dirt and dust at bay, stains can still occur. Baking soda, combined with water, white vinegar mixed with water and dishwashing soap, or even laundry detergent can be used to clean the seats. You may use the same vinegar combination, lemon juice with cream of tartar paste, nail polish remover, or even rubbing alcohol to clean leather seats. Allow the seats to dry after stain removal, then wipe with wash sheets.

Keep your car free from trash

When you get out of the car, take out all garbage, food, clothes, and other odor-causing objects. You have the option of bringing a tiny, portable garbage can with you or taking everything out by hand when you get to your location. Leaving garbage in the car overnight or hot weather may give it a rotting odor that will be tough to get rid of. If a spill occurs, wipe it up as quickly as possible and thoroughly clean it. Apart from cleaning your car regularly, avoid smoking in the car since the odor will linger on the upholstery, even if the window is open.


Always Keep the Insides Dry

Water leaks can lead to mildew and mold, which is not only unpleasant to smell but also harmful to your health. Dryer sheets, perhaps the simplest repair of all, maybe put under the passenger and driver seats to provide a fresh, clean scent. You can also use them to clean your upholstery and carpeting. Simply purchase a box of your favorite scented dryer sheets, open it, and lay it beneath your car’s front seat. It will take more than three days for the fragrance to go out before it has to be replaced.

Use natural scents inside the Car

Coffee beans are one of the most energizing smells that you can have as a car freshener. Put some beans in a small mesh bag, socks, or even a small paper bag. They are great deodorizers, and they can absorb bad smells in the car. Leave them under the seats as an affordable deodorizer and freshener. 

Essential oils will not only keep your car smelling nice, but they will also keep it clean. Some people believe that essential oils are costly, yet you only need a drop or two. Put this on the console if you already have a diffuser for instantaneous vehicle aromatherapy. Cotton balls dabbed with a few drops of essential oil can also be used. For quick refreshing, place them in the vents or side pockets. You may also sprinkle some inside the car using a few drops mixed with water in a spray bottle.

Pungent spices, such as cinnamon sticks, cloves, and vanilla bean—whatever they are may give your car’s interior a pleasant aroma. For a faint smell, tie them in a little bundle or place them in a small bag and hang them from a mirror or tuck them away in pockets.

Endnote: Being a car owner is your responsibility to maintain your car. Through the tips above you can have a pleasant-smelling car. You only need to be disciplined and anxious about the condition of the car especially in terms of cleanliness. Whatever scents you punt inside won’t work if it’s dirty and stinky at all.


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