Monday, May 20, 2024
HomeSUCCESSGuidanceHow to Get Over a Girl

How to Get Over a Girl

Ok so you just broke up with the girl of your dreams or she told you she no longer wants to be with you. Well, Timothy Jeffery tells us How to Get Over a Girl. It’s time to move on, get over her so go out and find out what’s great about you without her.

Step 1: Start immediately
Start your life anew immediately after a breakup with a girlfriend, whether the reason for the breakup was that you were being cheated on, growing apart, or she moved out of the country. The reason doesn’t matter and begging to save the relationship won’t work.

Step 2: Seek friends
Seek the company of family and friends, if only to avoid being alone. Distract yourself from the pain by doing guy things with your buddies — anything that doesn’t involve women.

Step 3: Find physical activities
Find activities — the more physical the better. Go to the gym, play a sport. Breathe, feel good, and live again. Dwelling on the past can paralyze your spirit and foster depression.

Step 4: Resist impulsive behavior
Resist the impulse to meet women on the internet or visit psychics in the hope they can predict a different outcome.

Try to avoid music right now — especially sappy songs with sentimental lyrics. Sentimentality is the last thing you need right now.

Step 5: Dump her stuff
Rid your house of all of her things, cleansing the environment of all reminders to start the healing process. Don’t return her stuff or attempt to get your stuff back. Make a clean break of it.

Step 6: Meditate or read
Meditate or read positive, life-affirming books on accepting one’s conditions. Tomorrow is another day.

Step 7: Identify the opportunity
Make this an opportunity to meet new people and do different things. Something must have been wrong or the relationship would have lasted. Get out of the rut. Remember the cliche, “nothing gets you over the last one like the next one.”



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