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HomeMen's Grooming8 Men’s Skincare Tips You Should Try for Better Skin

8 Men’s Skincare Tips You Should Try for Better Skin

Men’s Skincare Tips


You’re ready to take things to the next level when it comes to skincare. Could be for any number of reasons. Maybe you’re finally getting better sleep, so you are ready to supplement the self-care toolkit, like a professional basketball player who adds a shot to his arsenal every off-season. Maybe you’ve been doing job interviews in the summer sun, and your current routine can’t contain the subsequent breakouts. Whatever the reason, here are eight men’s skincare tips for better skin. We’ll go over a few things you should be doing already and then let you know what you can improve.


Fundamental Face Care

Let’s start with the face. Take a glance down the skincare aisle. It’s no accident that most products target the face rather than the elbow. It just so happens that the most recognizable, visible part of your body (again, no one is taking driver’s license pics of elbows) happens to hold the highest concentration of sebaceous glands. So it makes sense that you need to give your face an extra bit of TLC. At the most basic level, you need to make sure you are regularly washing your face (twice a day if you suffer from acne) with a tried and true option like this charcoal face wash.


Fine-Tuned Face Care

Okay. So you are getting regular face time with a cleaning routine. You can tell that what you are using isn’t drying out your skin or irritating it further. But even without touching your face to assess general greasiness (something that is counterproductive, by the way), you can tell there’s still room for improvement. Exfoliate, my friend! Grab a scrub. Use a peel-off mask. Just take note that like most fine-tuning strategies, an exfoliation routine evolves out of responsive experimentation so that you can find the right balance for your skin.


Men’s Skincare Tips


Basic Body Care

Look, we get how important the face is. But just because it has a higher profile, it doesn’t mean it’s the only part of the skin that deserves your care. Or that acne is afraid to get in some body shots. Much like the face, the basics start with making sure you’ve got a regular routine and tools that do more good than harm. So put in the extra effort to track down a solid acne body wash and a clean towel. But unlike the face, a basic body cleaning often suffers from lack of thoroughness. There’s just more ground to cover – some of it hard to reach and even harder to see. Here’s the harsh truth. If your cleaning doesn’t include your feet and your butt crack, it wasn’t even a basic cleaning.


Better Body Care

Proper skincare for your whole body extends beyond your body. It includes all the stuff you put on your body. Adjust straps that are wearing irritating grooves in your skin. Don’t get stuck in tight, sweaty clothes. Don’t rely on a bar of soap for all your cleaning needs. Incorporate a body scrub into your weekly routine, and change out the loofah for something that harbors less bacteria. Be diligent about identifying skin allergies, whether they are produced by your detergent or the metal in your belt buckle.



Minimum Moisturizer

The word is starting to get out about moisturization, and while a growing number of fellas are riding that train to hydration, too many guys are still drying out on the platform. Washing your face more than twice a day might be necessary to remove sweat or grime, but even if you are being gentle about it, it can leave your skin parched. So you’ve got to balance things out with the right moisturizer. Spread the love around, too. Remember how your elbows have lower levels of oil production than your face? That means they dry out more easily, so grab a body moisturizer. While you’re at it, take care of your knees and shoulders as well since they often get stranded in the same desertscape.


Maximum Moisturizer

For a moisturizer to work its magic, it needs a little help from its lovely assistant. In this case, that’s you. Make sure you have the right moisturizer to start with. You might need to toggle between a moisturizer for dry skin in the winter months and a product aimed at oily skin during the sweaty season. And like any magic show, timing is key. You want to apply it to damp skin, to seal that moisture in. And you want to apply it regularly. If you only pat it on sporadically when your skin is already dry and patchy, it’s going to really be an uphill battle.

Men’s Skincare Tips


Simple Sun Protection

These days, people know about skin cancer. When you’re headed to the beach you’re likely to sling some sunscreen into your bag with your bocce set and your flip flops. And if you think your morning coffee is going to lead to a prolonged hang on a sun-drenched patio, don’t hesitate to apply sunscreen. The sun isn’t just directing harmful rays at dudes who happen to be in swimsuits.


Second Level Sun Protection

Okay, we get it. You realized you forgot sunscreen after you were already on your way to the beach, so you popped into that gas station and grabbed whatever bottle was sitting next to the coffee filters and the bungee cords. You saved yourself a sunburn, but your skin still ain’t happy because that cut-rate sunscreen blocked your pores just as your last case of bacne was finally clearing up. Replace the offending sunscreen with a friendlier formula. And be aware that they are now making UV protective clothing for added protection.


The New York Post reported that after the first summer of the pandemic, the additional time at home had given people more time to invest in healthier skin. Maybe people realized they didn’t have to settle for irritating skin products or endlessly reuse the same dirty towel. If you want to hold onto those gains, don’t return to doing the bare minimum. And if you are still searching for ways to further finesse your skincare routine, seal the deal with these grooming tips for men.



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