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HomeSUCCESSHealth & Fitness6 Ways an SI Belt Can Make Your Life Easier

6 Ways an SI Belt Can Make Your Life Easier

6 Ways an SI Belt Can Make Your Life Easier and Pain-Free.

Anyone suffering from Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction knows how the pain and discomfort it causes can make even the simplest daily activities a very unpleasant experience. Whether your Sacroiliac Joint was injured as a result of an accident, during pregnancy, or due to inflammation, the end result is the same – severe pain in the lower back region sometimes even extending down the leg.

So what can you do to make your life easier? Wearing an SI belt has proven to be an effective way of reducing pain and providing support for the injured joint, thus aiding your recovery and helping you maintain your daily routine.

Read on to find out more about how an SI belt can make your life more comfortable and pain-free.

SI belt

1.     Wearing an SI Belt Reduces Joint Pain

When worn, a sacroiliac belt supports the sacroiliac joint and the musculature responsible for its movement. It works by applying just the right amount of pressure to the area around the joint in order to alleviate the pain and discomfort caused by excessive stress a dysfunctional sacroiliac joint is exposed to.

This is why an SI belt is considered to be one of the simplest methods of combating the pain caused by a dysfunctional sacroiliac joint and the reason why doctors recommend most patients suffering from the condition to buy an SI belt.

2.     An SI Belt Helps You Maintain a Proper Posture Which is Key for a Speedy Recovery

You have probably heard this countless times throughout your life, but maintaining a proper posture is very important for your general health. However, when suffering from a dysfunctional sacroiliac joint, doing so can seem near impossible, due to the lower back pain associated with this condition.

Wearing an SI belt will help you correct your posture by reducing, if not eliminating, pain and discomfort, and allow you to avoid adopting an incorrect posture and causing even more damage to your health and hinder your recovery process.

3.     Wearing an SI Belt Can Prevent Re-Injury

This is directly related to the previous point. The improper posture and movement caused by trying to adapt to the pain and discomfort can often result in re-injury and worsening of the condition. This is especially common when the pain is worse on one side of the body, as people will naturally try to shift the stress to the other, less painful side.

An SI belt can help you avoid re-injury by providing support to your lower back and hips, thus preventing excessive movement and straining, and reducing pain.

4.     An SI Belt Can Help You Enjoy Your Everyday Activities

SI belt

The pain and discomfort caused by a dysfunctional sacroiliac joint can spell an end to most hobbies and recreational activities, depending on the severity of the condition. Even the simplest and least demanding routines can become impossible to enjoy and you may find yourself forced to give them up. Not to mention any work around the house which requires actual straining.

However, an SI belt can go a long way in helping you retain your ability to enjoy less demanding activities and make them pain-free, while also contributing to your recovery.

5.     Relieve Back Pain During Pregnancy

As all mothers know, pregnancy can be very strenuous and cause some serious back pain in the later months. Additionally, the additional stress to which the sacroiliac joint is exposed to during this time can result in its inflammation or injury.

Since pregnancy is one of the possible causes for developing a dysfunctional sacroiliac joint, there are SI belts on the market specifically designed to provide back pain relief to pregnant women. Most of them feature Velcro fasteners so that they can easily be adjusted as the pregnancy progresses.

Apart from providing support and alleviating lower back pain, an SI belt can also help pregnant women with some other common health issues they are susceptible to, such as arthritis.

6.     Prevent Sacroiliac Joint Inflammation From Developing Into a Dysfunctional Sacroiliac Joint

Inflammation of the sacroiliac joint is often the first step in developing a more severe health issue. Regardless of the cause of the inflammation and swelling, failing to address the problem as soon as possible can result in a dysfunctional sacroiliac joint.

In addition to following your physician’s instructions, wearing an SI belt will both reduce the discomfort caused by an inflamed sacroiliac joint and provide it with enough support during the recovery period to prevent your condition from becoming worse.

Word of Advice – Consult Your Doctor and Follow Their Recommendations

Recovering from a dysfunctional sacroiliac joint can be a long and difficult process and an SI belt is just a single link in the chain of measures to overcome it. Although wearing an SI belt is not dangerous in itself, in order to get the most out of it, it is imperative to listen to the advice of your physician regarding its use.

When consulting your doctor about wearing an SI belt, they will instruct you on how long you should be wearing it every day and you would do well to follow their instructions, in order to maximize the positive effects of the belt.

They will also be able to help you in choosing the best SI belt for yourself, as there are many different products available both online and in stores, ranging from lightweight and low-profile to heavier with a larger coverage area.

However, if at any time you feel that the SI belt is causing you pain or that you are very uncomfortable wearing it, you should immediately take it off and inform your doctor.


As you can see, wearing an SI belt can be beneficial for almost anyone suffering from pain in their lower back or hips caused by an injured or inflamed sacroiliac joint.

Hopefully, some of the points in this article have helped you understand how an SI belt works and whether buying one is the right decision in your case.


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