Tuesday, March 18, 2025
HomeLIFESTYLEEntertainmentX-Men First Class Review, Drastic Changes to Cast and Imagery

X-Men First Class Review, Drastic Changes to Cast and Imagery


It looks like there’s a drastic change to both the cast as well as the imagery and story line in the new X-Men movie “X-Men: First Class”. It has James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender, two actors who are way ahead of their time in terms of quality acting, as Charles Xavier and Eric Lensherr (Magneto) respectively. Well, I haven’t seen the movie yet, but the trailer already shows a more character intensive concentration rather than giving more importance to a plot or storyline. The movie is set in a secret history of The Cold War and our world at the brink of a nuclear Armageddon. Formidable alliances are formed between those fighting for and against the humans, and the defining line is drawn between the goodies and the baddies. I honestly didn’t like X-Men: Origins, but then it’s so hard to claim to hate a movie with Hugh Jackman and I’m hoping that I can take my blonde wig off and remain impartial between my favorite X-Men flicks.


I’m still watching the trailer over and over again and I love the cult aura that this latest of the X-Men offerings has to offer (finally). With Bryan Singer in active producer mode and director Matthew Vaughn finally in the Marvel Universe, this movie seems like a rather accepting welcome. Well, one thing’s for sure is that we know that the production studio definitely kept their good ideas for this one and knew that casting Hugh Jackman in the previous one would sell anyways. I’m hoping that this latest offering of the X-Men movie franchise acts as an acceptable repentance for the last one that was made.

Here’s the new trailer for X-Men: First Class, watch it again and again till your buddy tells you that he’s sponsoring you for the movie ticket. Even if he doesn’t, then I’m sorry to say that your going to have to sell your well undersized X-Men tshirt you bought when the first movie came out.



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