Pinstripe Magazine is giving away 3 Free codes for Ferry Corsten’s 20 years iPhone/iPad App. The following App was created for his fans to celebrate his 20th anniversary as a leading EDM (electronic dance music) producer. This makes Corsten the first artist to ever launch an App-only album, a must-have for every fan. In addition, the App offers a timeline of more than one-hour special mix with 34 of his biggest hits, images, and other exclusive material.

Contest rules:
For your chance to win, visit our Facebook fan page ( and simply Like us. The 3 lucky winners will be chosen randomly via Facebook. If you already Like us simply share the contest post by clicking the Like button above. The contest ends Tuesday, December 23, 2011, at Midnight EST.
The special Ferry Corsten 20 Years app is available for $2.99 at the iTunes app store.
For more information visit:
pauline {at} pinstripemag {dot} com