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HomeMen's GroomingTypes Of Products To Groom Your Beard

Types Of Products To Groom Your Beard

No matter how proud you are of the unruly mane on your jawline, if you do not properly care for them, the whole will not look good either. Just because taking care and groom your beard is so important, we listed some unmissable steps to keep it in good condition.

Groom Your Beard With Bear Oil

Beard oil is really a panacea. First, you feel extra masculine when you use it, it smells delicious and your beard immediately looks healthier. The nutrients in the beard oil take care of the beard hairs but also the underlying skin and prevent flakes. The beard hairs are less stiff and they look beautiful. It also helps to get those pair of rebellious beard hairs in shape. The use of oil is also very easy. You drop a few drops in your palm and then massage them well through your beard and the underlying skin

Groom Your Beard With Beard Balm

The beard balm is actually similar to the beard oil, just a little stronger but a little less caring for the skin. Where the beard oil is mainly good for the care of the beard hairs and the skin, the beard balm is mainly focused on shaping the beard. A beard balm also often smells really good and in combination with beard oil, your beard is a wonderfully scented oasis. This also gives the hair a nice shine.

You apply beard balm by melting a small amount of balm between your fingers. Then rub the melted balm through your beard and bring it into the desired model. Ideal for a bad-beard day, because yes, that also exists.

Groom Your Beard With Beard Comb

If you comb your beard every day, you can ensure that the hairs grow in the right direction. Of course, you cannot comb your facial hair in any shape or model, it mainly ensures that there is a line in your beard and that you have no weird protruding pieces. It is therefore also important that you start combing from the early stages of your beard, and that with a comb that is suitable for that. So do not take any plastic comb from the drawer, but invest in a solid wooden item. It is stronger and therefore also better to deal with the sometimes stiff hairs of your beard.

Don’t Forget Your Mustache – Mustache Wax

A mustache wax ensures that your hair sits nicely to the side (and not in your mouth). Furthermore, depending on how blessed you are with the growth of your whiskers, you can make a beautifully curled mustache or try out other constructions. You only need a nail mustache wax that rubs you warm between the tips of your index fingers and then applies it to your mustache. You can use a comb when modeling. That is often easier than when you try it with your fingers.

Groom Your Beard With Beard Conditioner

After you have washed your hair you can use a conditioner to make the beard hair smoother and softer. There are also special beard conditioners for this that work just slightly different than the variant for our main hair. This is how it works: in a regular conditioner, silicone is often used that forms a layer around the hair, so that they become sealed off from all skincare and nourishing oils. A beard just needs this. A beard softener makes the hair just as soft but contains no silicones, so it is easier to keep your beard healthy. Unfortunately, those special conditioners for your beard are often more expensive. An alternative is to comb your beard extra well on the days without conditioner after a shower and then rub some extra beard oil well into the beard and your skin.

Keep up

In addition to taking care of a beard, it is also important to maintain it. That is why it is smart to stand in front of the mirror once or twice a week and cut off the excellent hair. It may be smart to agree with yourself on how many cuts you are going to do so that you avoid cutting too much. A good number to start with is around 30. The larger your beard becomes, the more cuts you can make at a time. There will come a point that with these clips you can no longer keep your entire beard exactly in shape, then you can ask someone else to adjust those difficult corners of your beard.

Extra tip: A Whisker Dam

If it’s not about the hip name, it’s because it’s very handy. The whisker dam is a metal plate that you can mount on any glass to ensure that your drink does not end up in your mustache. This way your nicely groomed mustache stays in shape for longer.

The above tips should keep your beard in top condition. Moreover, it also benefits you: taking care of your beard hairs provides a moment of peace in a busy day and ensures more confidence.


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