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Traveller Survival Guide: Safe & Healthy

Survival Guide

Traveller Survival Guide: How to Stay Safe and Healthy

Business or pleasure? A cliché question you see in movies and on TV shows, but an interesting one all the same. Why not combine pleasure with business, why not have some fun on your business trip? Indeed, as long as you do the work for which you’re actually sent on a trip, why, there is no reason not to have fun.

However, both fun and work take their toll on a person. They can also force one to get lost in them. What we’re saying is you should give your best to stay healthy and safe when on the road. For this reason we have taken the liberty of writing up a couple of pieces of advice on just that below. This is our Traveler Survival Guide.

Watch what you eat

The first step on our survival guide to staying healthy and make the most out of your pleasure trip is to not pig out. Just because you’re working/having fun away from home doesn’t mean you should forget about your diet and throw good habits out of the window. Sure, you’re losing a lot of time on this trip, and you won’t really have an opportunity to eat a home-cooked meal. But, resist the temptation to eat fast food and basically whatever you want. Instead, be smart.

Sure, treat yourself to a local delicacy, or don’t be shy when it comes to a lavish office party dinner. But when you’re on the move eat some fruit and granola bars. Go to a nearby supermarket and get some fresh vegetables. Buy chicken sandwiches instead of cheeseburgers, or a salad instead of a slice of pizza.

Keeping to a healthy diet during your trip will give you much more energy, which you can further invest into either working harder, or having more fun.


Survival Guide

Prepare for this trip like you would for any other. Get all the right documentation, paperwork, tools, and supplies you need to do your job properly. Furthermore, get some stuff that will help you have fun. Pack skiing gear, or swim shorts, depending on the location you’re going to. And you know the standard rules – bring extra money, keep your passport near, get any shots if you have to take them….

Next on the survival guide, get the right insurance. Life and health insurance are important for pretty obvious reasons. Either contact a singular company or let your own employer handle it. Sometimes, however, insurance just isn’t able to cut it. Things can get complicated, especially if you’re on the road. In other words, sometimes you just need to talk to a lawyer, whether you want to or not.

Let’s say you got a rental, and you get into a small scuffle. Nothing too serious, nobody’s hurt, just a minor dent. Still, two things complicate matters here. First of all, you’re not from ´round here, you’re not from these parts. Second, you’re in a rental. This is a nightmare of bureaucracy and paperwork and will ruin any fun you might have wanted to have. It can even interfere with your work. For this reason, having the phone numbers of professional accident claims lawyers with you at all times can help you really get the situation under control. In fact, having backup numbers of your employer, the hotel you’re staying at, a doctor’s office, lawyers, and the police office in your phone and on your person can really save you from a world of hurt.

Read up on your destination

Survival Guide

Staying healthy, safe, getting your work done, and having fun, they all can be influenced by whether or not you actually researched the location you are going to. This is especially important if you’re going abroad, to a foreign country. For example, if you want to stay healthy, you should research whether you can drink the water there, or if you have to buy your own. The same goes if you need to watch out for any allergies you have. Perhaps a type of vegetation or food is so prevalent there that it may cause serious issues for you.

Staying safe means researching the actual state of the country. Is there any unrest, or conflict there? Or, maybe as simple as figuring out which areas you could go at night, and which you should avoid 24/7.

Awkward situations can mess with your work and with your fun when you’re on a business trip. Read up on the culture of the area you’re going to (if you’re going abroad), and learn what counts as a taboo there. What are common signs of respect (and disrespect) of the new culture. This may matter even if you’re not going that far away, there may still be some things that can be seen as rude in one city, and completely ok in another.


Staying safe and healthy when you combine business with pleasure on your trip is important to achieve both. You won’t have fun, and you won’t do the work you have to do if you get sick. So, do your research, prepare properly, and watch your diet, and you will be good to go.


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