Everybody knows that cold weather brings horrible conditions to the roads. Between snow, ice, and blustery winds, driving in the winter can be a total nightmare. In many cases, the smartest thing to do is to wait for the terrible weather to end. In case you still aren’t convinced of the extreme peril of the roads during this time of year, here’s why driving in cold weather is dangerous.
Decreased Visibility
One of the biggest disadvantages of driving in cold weather is decreased visibility. You won’t be able to see the road for more than 10 feet in front of you. Between the snow and the wind, poor visibility is a huge factor in road accidents that happen in the winter.
Increased Chance of Ice
Ice decreases a vehicle’s traction on the road. While driving, you can slide and potentially lose control of your vehicle. Unfortunately, unless you have snow tires or chains handy, there’s no effective way to combat this loss of traction. As such, unless you have a method of giving your vehicle traction on ice, driving on it is incredibly dangerous.
Low Tire Pressure
One factor many people don’t consider before driving is the cold weather’s effect on tire pressure. In general, cold temperatures will reduce the tires’ air pressure, causing them to become underinflated. While worn or underinflated tires are risky in the summer, they’re much worse in the winter and are the cause of many accidents. Avoid this by properly maintaining your vehicle and regularly checking your tire pressure.
While it can be very dangerous driving in cold weather, the roads are swept clean of snow and otherwise maintained. However, when the weather becomes harsh and dangerous to travel in, we hope you consider these dangerous factors. That way, you can take steps to ensure you and your vehicle are prepared for the cold weather.

Van Rundell is a writer and author who specializes in transportation, travel, guidance, health & fitness. With over 10 years of experience in the industry as a driver and an entrepreneur, he has seen it all. His tone is professional but friendly with a dash of humor thrown in for good measure. In past, he has been advising, educating and writing about transport for the public and professionals alike.
A qualified fitness instructor with over 5 years’ experience as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, Van brings his deep knowledge of health and exercise science to his articles on health & fitness.