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How To Stay Positive in the New Year

The New Year is finally here and we are sure many of you will be visiting the gym today as part of your New Year’s Resolution. Let us know what other resolutions you guys have made for this year below. One resolution that most people forget about is how to stay positive in the new year. Lucky for you Pinstripe Magazine is reminding you and giving you the tools on how to stay positive this new year.

Step 1: Be an optimist and stay positive.
One way to always stay positive is to fill yourself with meaningful activities. This will motivate you, make you feel needed and boost your self esteem. So, this year pick one or two activities (such as volunteering somewhere that you have always wanted to or teaching your favorite hobby in a continuing education class) and commit to doing them on a regular basis. Also expect things to work out. Optimists have reason to be cheery: studies have shown optimists are more successful and healthier than pessimists.

Step 2: Pick a Goal thats Important to You. Look at the bright side and Go for it!
Instead of focusing on the negative, try to find something positive in every negative situation. Train your brain to take the negative as a lesson learned and turn it into something positive. Then create a structured schedule that leads you to a goal that is important to you. Make it something you are passionate about and enjoy talking about. Working towards something everyday will add positivity to your life. So, declare it and take action!

Step 3: Visualize success!
Picture yourself succeeding at challenging events. Visualizing yourself as strong and triumphant primes you to make it happen — which is why athletes have been using this trick for years.

Step 4: Step Away from Negative Situations and People.
Surround yourself with happy people that lift you up and that you enjoy being with. It’s easier to stay positive when you’re with other cheerful folks — some research indicates happiness is contagious. If certain people always bring you down, minimize your time around them. If you don’t have a strong social structure, then start joining in on activities that you enjoy so you can meet people with similar interests.

Step 5: Build Close Connections with Family and Friends.
Reach out and connect or re-connect with people you are close to. Go out of your way to spend time on fun activities that you can do together. Go for walks. Call old friends. Talk about nothing and everything. Fill your life with the small important things that keep your spirits up.

Step 6: Do What Works For You!
A lot of us spend time fighting to accomplish goals that don’t fit who we are and aren’t meaningful to us. If you are stuck in a job or relationship that doesn’t work for you, do something about it. Don’t stay in situations that add to your stress and anxiety levels. You can stay positive no matter what if you focus in on living a life that is meaningful to you.



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