Tuesday, March 18, 2025
HomeSTYLEMen's FashionQiviuk Sweaters

Qiviuk Sweaters

Qiviuk Sweaters

So you thought by having a cashmere or wool sweater you were rocking some quality stuff there huh. Well check out these qiviuk sweaters (pronounced kiv-ee-ut) on the next page. Just one sweater will cost you anywhere from $600-$3000. What is qiviuk you ask? It is the Inuit word for the extremely fine underwool of the muskox, prized for its softness and warmth. Each year, muskoxen grow a dense layer of qiviut over their entire body, protected from wind and precipitation by an outer coat of dark brown guard hair. Their winter coats are unparalleled in insulative value, and keep the animals warm and comfortable when the temperature drops below – 50 degrees F. This fiber is softer than cashmere and warmer than wool. Check out these two online stores that carry some qiviuk sweaters. J.L. Powell Apparel and Hansen's Clothing.

Qiviuk Sweaters


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