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Office Regulations When You’re in Love

Getting Around Office Regulations When You’re in Love

Everyone wants love and affection, and it’s not often that we get to meet someone who we connect with on that special level. It’s hard enough to meet someone you connect with at all. You’d think that with all the dating sites around, falling in love with the right person would be easy. Even though dating sites like afroromance make the search a little easier, we often need extra help.

Office Regulations

This is why it’s so tricky when you find someone you fall in love with at work, and your office regulations won’t allow it. Your relationship can quickly feel like a Romeo and Juliet affair when you feel like life is trying to keep you apart. But then, don’t look for the poison just yet because there are a couple of things you can do to be together, even when the office won’t allow it. Here are some of them.

Approach your HR together.

Many times, offices and companies have procedures that allow co-workers to date and even get married. Some workplaces even encourage their employees getting hitched because it can boost morale. The constant in most of these workplaces is the Human Resource Department’s requirements for office romance.

Because relationships can often lead to ugly disagreements down the road, businesses often encourage their employees to declare the relationships and sign some papers to protect each other and the company. Odds are, your workplace has such arrangements, and the limits on your love life aren’t as stringent as you first thought. You just need to make some inquiries on what kinds of requirements your workplace has.

Be prepared to face the penalties.

As mentioned earlier, the main purpose of restrictions on office romance is to protect the company from lawsuits like sexual harassment charges. As a result, several workplaces have penalties attached to workplace romance affairs. For example, some workplaces may ban public displays of affection. This includes hugging and kissing by the water cooler.

Your human resource manager will explain most of these punishable actions, and they should be easy to comply with. You especially want to make time for them if you really love your partner and want to be together.

Try not to be so ‘lovey-dovey’ all the time.

Everyone who has ever been in love have the same feelings. You feel like you can’t live without the person. You get excited just thinking about them, and you want to spend every waking moment with them. We’ve all been there before.

However, we all also know it’s annoying to have to watch two people in love dotting over each other all day long. Did you know that one of the reasons offices ban workplace romance is that the people rarely get any work done? ‘I love you, and I love you, too’ dominate all the working hours. If you’re going to make your office romance work, you need to be able to show you’re capable of functioning apart from each other, or else, your employers have a good reason to place limits on your love. Hopefully, you find these tips helpful and can use them for kindling your office romance because without love, work is just work


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