Movember, which happens in the month of November is when men grow their moustaches to raise awareness and funds to help find a cure for prostate and testicular cancer.
We are not big fans of moustaches but for the month of November we encourage all men to participate in raising awareness. If you find yourself still growing a moustache in the month of December, you may experience problems with your girlfriend or in the dating world.
Although, we do ask that you sacrifice your face with a unique moustache and encourage all other men to grow moustaches this month since we have teamed up with WearEver Pure Living to host a photo contest to increase awareness for men growing a ‘Mo’ during the month of November for men’s health.
From now to November 30, 2012 Like Us on Facebook and email us a photo to comments {at} pinstripemag {dot} com and you could WIN a WearEver’s NEW line of cookware, Pure Living.
At the end of the month, the coolest MO will get a WearEver’s Pure Living to cook your girlfriend or wife a nice home cook meal for putting her through a month of itchiness every time you’ve kissed her.

Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Pinstripe Magazine. Creative thinker and menswear designer who has been writing articles dedicated to men’s fashion, lifestyle, luxury items, home design, gear, grooming and gadgets since 1998. For info on PinstripeMag, any editorial needs or to contact me please email at