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HomeLIFESTYLEMan TalkMale Solo Traveler’s USA Trip: Ways for Best Planning

Male Solo Traveler’s USA Trip: Ways for Best Planning

Traveling, before 2020(COVID-19) was the most exotic type of hobby to see the whole world. Although the number of travelers decreased massively in 2020, it is forecasted to increase massively in the upcoming years.

Some people love to travel in a group or a team. On the contrary, some people believe that, if you are alone you have the opportunity to explore the inner soul of nature, can spend more time places you loved and finally ‘Know Thyself and Nature’ much better.

We are not going to be judgmental. Both group of saying has points. But today’s topic will revolve around how a male solo traveler can explore the USA in the possible best ways. We choose the USA as a destination because the USA receives a massive number of international solo travelers each year.

As a male solo traveler, you have the freedom to go anywhere in the USA. But if you fail to plan properly, the trip can lead to frustration. As the USA is the 3rd largest country in the world and no. 1 in many terms, planning and proper framing of your trip are necessary so that you do not miss anything important to you. For example, you are a history and archaeology lover, visited New York and missed ‘Statue of Liberty’ or ‘Empire State Building’, how would that be? In a word, ridiculous.

So, how to plan properly?

  1. Know your Interest

Find out your point of interest. Some people love nature, some architecture, some history or people. Each state of the USA has something different to offer. Based on your interest categorize the states you want to visit first.

Now, you got a list. Do state-wise research on the destinations in the USA. List out the places you want to spend some time alone.

  1. Research the List

Now you have a list of places to visit. Research that lists one by one. You can read USA travel blogs or community forums. But do not trust all of the blogs as the internet world is full of sellers, travel agency, marketers who often lies to increase sell. You can trust some blogs that provide real and detailed information based on personal experience of traveling to any specific location. There are many like these, but if you want my suggestion, I suggest Be assured, they are not sellers, travel agency or marketers.

  1. Weather Research

As a male solo traveler, having a clear idea of the weather you are going to face is important. For example, you planned to go to the beach in the rainy season. It is not perfect everyone knows. So, before taking the flight to your USA destination, know what kind of weather difficulties you may face and take precautions accordingly.

Now, your planning phase is almost finished. It’s time to pick up your belongings in a travel-worthy bag/backpack and start exploring the USA. Wish you all the best!


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