Kwilt Shoebox – Unlimited personal storage for your phone
Are you tired of running out of space on your phone due to the many pictures you take and then have to wait till you are home to transfer your pictures to your computer? Well, if you are not paying for a cloud service and running out of space on your dropbox then the Kwilt Shoebox is for you. It is easy to use and connect.
I received my Kwilt Shoebox and immediately connected my phone to move pictures. It is compatible with both OS and Android.
All I needed to do was plug the power adapter to the back of the Kwilt, connect a USB drive or memory stick into the USB port, run their app and voilà I was done. I do admit though, I had to read their instructions carefully especially while running the app since I had forgotten to connect my WIFI to the Kwilt WIFI. So when you download the app and sign up remember to connect to the Kwilt WIFI before transferring pictures or else it will not work.
If you have ever used Google Photos you will like Kwilt because once you transfer your pictures to the Kwilt Shoebox, which technically end up on your USB hard-drive you still get to see the photos on your phone. This way you don’t forget about them and are still able to view what you have. The difference between Google photos and Kwilt is that Google backs-up your photos as lo res and gives you unlimited space. If you want to keep the originals as hi res well you need to pay for it unless you own a google phone and then Google photos is free. With the Kwilt you get to save all of your media as the originals but of course it depends on the space of your hard-drive. The price for the Kwilt is a one time payment of $69.99, no monthly fees and can be bought online at Preorder it today and get it for $49.99.
So, another beauty of the Kwilt once connected to a router is that you can transfer your pictures to your hard-drive from anywhere in the world by clicking the offload button on the app.
Never run out of space on your phone again and instead:

Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Pinstripe Magazine. Creative thinker and menswear designer who has been writing articles dedicated to men’s fashion, lifestyle, luxury items, home design, gear, grooming and gadgets since 1998. For info on PinstripeMag, any editorial needs or to contact me please email at