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HomeWEALTHGuidanceHow to make him Feel Special this Valentine?

How to make him Feel Special this Valentine?

It is crucial for both partners to express their love towards each other to keep their relationship young. Valentine’s Day provides you with a perfect occasion to celebrate your love and tell your partner how much you love him. Lovers all over the world come up with unique ways to show their significant other how much they love them. Girls are generally more excited about valentines and they want to do everything to make this extra special for love of their life. If you are one such dedicated lover, check out these cute things you can do to make him feel special:

Relive your first date:

The first date with the man of your dreams is something you can never ever forget. I bet you both remember and discuss your first date every time you are together. Why not relive those moments again? Plan a romantic dinner date with him at the place where you guys had your first date. Do everything that you did on your first date, even order the same food and just have a wonderful time together. It will bring back old memories and make both of you realize how mature your relationship has become over the time.

First Date

Write him a letter:

Even though letter writing has become a thing of the past, it has some element of cuteness to it that you can never find in social media messaging. You don’t have to be in the movie to write a letter to the man you love, just do it. Write a long and romantic letter. Tell him how you felt the first time you saw him, about the moment you fell in love with him, how much your relationship means to you, the silly things you love about him, and tell him that you would like to be with him till your last breath. If you can, write a whimsical poem for him in that letter. And finally, watch him read that letter, I promise you a beautiful moment full of tears, joy, and love.

Love Letter

Cook his favorite food:

It is absolutely correct when they say “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”. Nothing can elevate the mood of a man than good food. So, plan a homemade meal for both of you this Valentines. The menu of the meal should be all his favorite dishes. Have him help you while cooking, this way you will spend some quality time together and have fun. A good meal is all you need to win them over.

favourite food

Make a scrapbook:

Collect all the photographs two of you have together, select the ones with memories of the special occasions and times you have spent together and take the prints of these photographs. Make a scrapbook with pics and some beautiful message with each photograph. He will appreciate this personalized gift over any other store-bought gift. The time and effort you put into making this scrapbook will show your love towards him.


Romantic treasure hunt:

You can arrange a romantic treasure hunt that will lead him to his gift. Use attractive cards to write the clue and decorate it with hearts. Make sure all the clues are related to both of you and your relationship. You can also test his knowledge about your interests in this treasure hunt. Decide the gift for him based on his interests. For example, if he is a die-hard  MCU fan, you can gift him his favorite superhero costume or superhero T-shirts like the ones Sheldon Cooper wears in Big Bang Theory.

Romantic Treasure Hunt

Plan some vacation out of his bucket list:

Who knows about his interests better than you. Imagine his surprise if you take him on an adventurous trip that he always dreamt about. It might be anything like rafting, bungee jumping, paragliding, scuba diving, skydiving, trekking or anything like that. Most of us have such adventurous things on our bucket lists but they never really give it a try which is exactly why this is a good idea.

A Vacation

Spa at home:

A good massage or spa relaxes your body and soul like nothing else. This Valentine, why not give this relaxing experience to your partner? You can create a serene environment with scented candles, rose petals and soft music and pamper him with a good massage.

Send him a surprise at work:

Some PDA on Valentines won’t hurt if you want to tell your boyfriend or husband how much you love him. Have a bouquet of flowers or something else he likes delivered to his office. Don’t worry, he will love this gesture.


Buy him tickets to a game:

Want to win the “best girlfriend in the world” title? Buy 2 tickets to his favorite game. Even if you do not like sports, go with him. He will appreciate this effort you are making to make him happy and it will make him feel very special. The fun part is when he will use this to make his friends jealous. Well, not everyone has a girlfriend that cares about their interests.

game tickets


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