Modifying a car is a fun, trendy way to improve its performance and make it look way cooler. Adding a lift kit to your truck or SUV will turn it into a great off-roading vehicle, while other modifications will be practical for activities like towing your boat out to the lake. However, if you don’t take the proper precautions, modifying a vehicle can be quite dangerous. Learn how to keep a modified car safe by reading our tips below.
Choose Modifications Wisely
Not all modifications are created equal. Some modifications may look cool but may become a serious safety hazard to you or others on the road. A vehicle is crafted in accordance with certain safety standards, and performing some modifications on your vehicle will disrupt a part of the structure or design of a car that contributes to its safety. For example, lifting a car too high will change its center of gravity and may affect its handling or increase its risk of rolling. Before performing a modification on your car, be sure that it is safe and approved by a professional auto mechanic. Failing to do so could cost you your money—or worse, your well-being—in the long run.
Check Your Insurance
Before having your car modified, be sure to check your auto insurance policy. According to certain policies, modifying your vehicle can actually result in a loss of coverage. Discovering this after the fact an accident occurs is the last thing you want, so be sure to look over your insurance policy before making any final decisions or changes. If you want to make a modification but it would invalidate your insurance, you may want to consider finding a new insurance plan.
Visit a Professional
If you’re unsure whether a certain modification is safe or compatible with your vehicle, visit a professional mechanic. Find a professional who you trust to give your vehicle an honest assessment and advise you on whether the modification is a good idea. Once you’ve had your vehicle and the modification assessed, take your car to a professional to have the modification made—doing it yourself may seem easy, but you can seriously mess things up if you don’t know what you’re doing.
Take It for Maintenance Checks
To ensure that your vehicle continues to meet safety standards, take it in for regular maintenance checks. A professional will look over all parts of your car, including its battery, tires, engine, oil, and accessories, and report back on any issues that need to be addressed. They will also be able to check that your car’s modifications are still safe and functioning properly. Keeping your car well-maintained will prevent bigger, more expensive breakdowns and problems later on and will help you to stay safe on the road. Even if you can’t afford to go to a professional often, it’s wise to perform a general check of your car and its modifications on a regular basis.
If you follow this advice on how to keep a modified car safe, you shouldn’t experience any big problems with your modifications. If there are any issues, you’ll be able to catch them quickly enough that they won’t turn into a safety hazard. And certainly, your modified vehicle will be much more fun to drive if you’re not constantly worried about your safety.

Van Rundell is a writer and author who specializes in transportation, travel, guidance, health & fitness. With over 10 years of experience in the industry as a driver and an entrepreneur, he has seen it all. His tone is professional but friendly with a dash of humor thrown in for good measure. In past, he has been advising, educating and writing about transport for the public and professionals alike.
A qualified fitness instructor with over 5 years’ experience as a personal trainer and group fitness instructor, Van brings his deep knowledge of health and exercise science to his articles on health & fitness.