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How to Have a More Positive Mindset in 2021

Wouldn’t it be ideal if we could click our fingers and instantly feel positive? While that goal may not be an achievable task, adopting a more positive mindset can help. So, let’s start there. With so many admitting that the pandemic left them feeling low in the lead-up to Christmas last year, 2021 is a great time to start channeling our energy into overcoming challenges with a more constructive mental and emotional attitude.

Here’s how you can start to build some better habits today, and see the benefits throughout 2021.

Establish a positive morning routine, every day

Many of us just aren’t morning people, but the way we adapt to this time affects our whole day. The good news is that there are some easy tricks to increase your early morning resiliency. The key? Consistency. This is particularly crucial when working from home. Simply set your alarm at the same time every day and stick to it. Even an extra 15-30 minutes in the morning can set you up with a calmer mindset. You might think eating your cereal with one hand and reeling off emails with the other equals getting ahead, but this sort of chaos can quickly have adverse effects.

Have positive people on your side

Someone once said, “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” The people we surround ourselves with shape who we are. So, think about it: who do you want to be? Take a look at your circle, because being around people that inspire you has many advantages. Friends can also push you to be the best version of yourself while supporting you every step of the way.

Invest in your rest

Positive man meditating at home

It doesn’t take a genius to know that practicing a healthy lifestyle (e.g. exercising and eating well) will keep us tiptop while releasing good endorphins. But it’s all too easy to overlook other important aspects of wellbeing.  One of these, which people particularly push aside when stressed, is how important it is to refuel through rest. This includes giving yourself breaks (be it time spent relaxing, or time spent having fun with your family), and sleeping well. Remember – staying up late to get something done is not always more productive than a proper sleep that helps you be more positive, and sharp, the following day. You can find more info on the hidden benefits of sleep in our article here.

See failure as a chance to flourish

It’s a fact that successful people fail more times than most. Why? Because if you’re not putting yourself into positions where you may fail, you’re playing it safe and not pushing yourself to succeed. In fact, the one thing in common with many successful people, from Steven Spielberg to Thomas Edison, Walt Disney and Thomas Edison, is that they made mistakes, and used them to motivate better work. It’s so easy to try something, fail, and say that it’s not for you. Instead, look at each failure as a lesson. Whether it’s criticism at work, a fall out with a family member or other, see it as an opportunity. What can you take from it that will help you be better next time?

If you put the work in, there are many ways you can adopt a more positive mindset, making for a happy, healthier and more ambitious you. Why not start with these four and see where they take you? You may just surprise yourself.


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