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How to Drive Instagram Analytics Like Never Before in 2018

As an online marketer, you are likely to have devoted a fair amount of blood, sweat, and tears to your Instagram marketing campaign, building an extensive content strategy and great Instagram Stories updated regularly. That said all of this goes to waste if you don’t know how effective your strategies are or what kind of effect a new inclusion could have on your audience. This is where Instagram Insights comes in; it gives you access to all the important data that you can use to drive your campaign. Here’s how.


Understand Your Performance Metrics

There are tons of metrics, each useful in its own way, covered by Instagram Insights. You know click-through-rates and impressions are super important, but there are plenty of other metrics that might end up meaning more to you in the long run. You should spend some time understanding the KPIs and figure out which ones you should be targeting.

Precision Is Key

Now that you know what you are looking for, it is time to dig deep and extract it from the wealth of information that Insights offers you. You will have control over the filters you use to fetch data and will be able to access up to two years’ insights on various factors ranging from follower count to the impact of programs like Like4Like.

Get Ready to Crunch Some Numbers

Instagram Insights give you a ton of data but you are still expected to do some math to bring the entire picture before your eyes. Something as simple as the engagement rate can be fetched by dividing engagements by follower count, but there are plenty of other things like follower growth, which require some complex number-crunching. Thankfully, the formulae are all available readily online.

Look Into Stories Stats

Instagram Stories has had a natural draw for many online marketers and things only get better now because Instagram provides insights for up to two weeks of Stories as well. The metrics you should be focusing on are:

  • Taps forward: whether people click through to the next item on your story
  • Taps backward: if they go back to watch the previous item
  • Completion rate: how many people go all the way to finish seeing your stories
  • Exits: how many people bounce off or drop out of your story after opening it

This data is powerful and you must know how to interpret it. A lot of tap-backs might mean that your content is really interesting or really confusing, while good completion rates coupled with high tap-forward rates could mean people are just skipping through.


Data is almost too easy to gather nowadays but turning that data into actionable insights is the real challenge. You must understand how your audience responds to your content and fine-tune your strategy to optimize the results. As a marketer in a cutting-edge industry that is evolving every day, there is no stopping for breath. You must keep learning, keep refining, and keep improving your approach or risk losing ground to competitors.


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