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Guide on Being a Better Man

Better ManThe Problem

The problem began some 50 years ago when women and, seemingly, all feminists decided that males are wrong about everything and the cause of every woman’s problems. Worse, over those 50 years, too many men were brainwashed into accepting that if you are male, you are automatically wrong. For example, if you have been accused of being overbearing, controlling, lecherous, uncaring, unfeeling, clueless, and well, you know the rest, then you know exactly what I am talking about.

The Reality

Not only are you imperfect, you don’t ever want to feel like you are perfect. If you think you are perfect, then please wake up; your conceit means you are a long way from perfect. The good news is that we are all imperfect works in progress so you are in good company. The important message in this article is that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU.

However, if you born after 1970 you have lived your entire life under the watchful, and always critical, eye of feminism. In effect, all young men have been brainwashed by the media their entire lives. Remember how, in the 1980’s, women became the smart ones in TV shows, and the tough guys in films (“GI Jane” anyone). At the same time, men were often cast as comic book tough guys (such as Mel Gibson in “Lethal Weapon”) or bumbling idiots (a la “Friends” or “Sex and the City”). In addition, men started to disappear from their family’s home life and the classrooms of America. So, you were probably taught by women and raised predominantly by your mother. At the same time, feminism was beginning to dominate the media messaging. Men suffered a feminist Reign of Terror if they dared question or object to the feminist viewpoint; that’s why no politician who wants to be re-elected dare go against the feminist message.

The Question

Are these women right? Are men really screwed up, wrong, or behaving badly? The answer for you depends on how much effort you have invested in becoming the best man you can be. Of course, every man can do better, so don’t sweat it – you are in good company. If you are thinking, “I don’t need to change a damn thing about me” then take a look in the mirror and tell yourself that you can be better, and you are determined to become a better man. Becoming a better man at every opportunity, is not drudgery; it will be interesting and fun, and the effort will make you a happier man. It doesn’t have to cost much either.

I know that earning a living, keeping in shape, or supporting your family all get in the way of learning how to become a better man. Fortunately, becoming better is not too difficult. But you must first decide that you could do with some improvement here and there.

But if you even think you are perfect you are an insufferable curse on society and yourself. And even if this describes you to a tee…

by Steve Clarke, author of The Man Book: Becoming a Man in the Twenty-first Century

About the author

Steve Clarke is a former pilot in the British Royal Air Force with a degree focused on the interplay of psychology and economics in a business environment. He has led and inspired teams of talented men and women to exceed their expectations for many years.


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