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HomeLIFESTYLESportsEssential Cycling Skills All Riders Must Master

Essential Cycling Skills All Riders Must Master

Riding a bicycle is a thrilling experience, whether you zoom down mountainsides, across large roadways, or alongside a pack of friends. When you choose your next cardio workout, think of cycling instead of running. The combination of sport and recreational exercise makes cycling a perfect blend for anyone interested in getting active. Once you learn the basics of riding your bike, you can learn much more. Here are the essential cycling skills all riders must master.

Shifting Gears

If you learned how to ride a bike as a kid, chances are you didn’t have a tricked-out bike built to traverse various elevations. Bikes require physical exertion on the pedals to turn the wheels. When you bike uphill, the required physical exertion doubles, making it much harder to rely on your strength alone. Gears on a bike help your physical power go further without tiring your legs. Find a hilly place to practice shifting gears. As you ride, think about making a seamless transition from gear to gear. This way, you can avoid any clunky movements.

Cycling in Groups

Every cyclist appreciates good company. While you may enjoy the friendly competition, sometimes it’s nice to have companions as you exercise. Cycling in groups is incredibly fun, but it does come with its own challenges. You’ll need to learn how to manage your place in the pack and maintain a consistent pace. You should also practice staying in your lane, so others don’t accidentally crash into you on the road.

Maintaining Balance

Balance is vital when riding your bike. Without it, you would simply topple over. As you ride, focus on your balance and how you position your body when riding forward and turning side to side. Depending on your speed, you can use your body angle to your advantage and continue your momentum through the turn without slowing down. Once you master your balance, test it out in various wind and weather conditions, and practice other things to improve your bicycle balance. This way, nothing can hold you back.

Riding Without Hands

Those who have ridden bikes since they were young may remember how impressive it was when someone could ride a bike without using their hands. Lifting your palms from your handlebars is not standard procedure and not recommended for safety reasons, but there are times when you’ll need to do it. Imagine you’re cycling for a long time. Your back may grow stiff, or you may thirst for the water clipped to your frame. Instead of stopping and hopping off your bike, you could lift your hands off the bar for a few seconds to relieve your aching muscles or rehydrate. Riding without hands may feel intimidating at first, so start with just one-handed riding.

Once you’ve practiced these essential cycling skills all riders must master, you can improve your bicycle experience. You can go for longer rides, endure rugged terrain, and show off fun tricks. Try your hand at these skills and watch as they pay off in future rides.


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