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HomeWEALTHFeature StoryWhy Dress Sharp on a First Date? Women Care About Appearances

Why Dress Sharp on a First Date? Women Care About Appearances

Why dress sharp? Women care about appearances
Why dress sharp? Women care about appearances

Physical attraction matters – Simply put, women care about appearances and are drawn to healthy, attractive looking men.  Clothing covers 90% of your body–if worn correctly it can help you look better by strengthening your positive features and minimizing your less than attractive ones.

Dressing sharp for another shows respect – You can’t control whether the woman you’ll be meeting will like your personality; you can, however, make a conscious decision to take the time to look your best.  She’ll be spending a lot of time making sure she is presentable and dressed for a fun time–the least you can do is return the favor.  It’s simply a matter of treating another human being as you would like to be treated.

Dressing well indicates you have social skills as it makes socializing easier. – Women look at not only the way we interact with them, but the way we interact with others.  Our ability to socialize is an indicator of our ability (or inability) to negotiate in a community where resources are scarce.  When you meet her friends or family, is the impression positive?  With little else to go by, your appearance is going to play a larger role than normal.  By looking sharp and simply smiling and nodding politely, you’ll be amazed at how most people will form a positive impression.

Dressing sharp puts you in the right state of mind – When you wear a uniform, whether it be for sport or work, the clothing helps you focus on the task at hand.  The same thing is true when you prepare and dress sharp for a date–from the shower and grooming to the making sure your clothing is clean and in good order, getting ready is a time for reflection on what you’re about to get yourself into.  Give yourself the time to prepare, and wear clothing you’re confident in.  You’ll find that these two simple preparation steps get your date off on the right foot, but may also help you avoid trying to get your girl back, in the future.

It brings your face into focus – Wearing the right clothing keeps your date’s attention on your face.  Like a well-proportioned picture frame it shouldn’t overpower or detract from its purpose of placing you in the best light.  Avoid flashy accessories or clothing that will draw too much attention to itself–this is a date, not a fashion show.

The right clothing can exaggerate healthy masculine traits – Clothing like a sports jacket can exaggerate masculine features such as square lines in the face, broad shoulders, muscular chest, smaller stomach than upper torso.  These are all things women are subconsciously attracted to– they signal a healthy level of testosterone.  Although not the sole factor a woman should choose a husband on–it’s nice to start off on the right foot.  An important point to note is that most of the time we judge attractiveness in a moving environment.  We can spot a woman from a considerable distance by the way she moves her hips as she walks–we are attracted to this.  In the same way women can spot a man based off the way he naturally moves his shoulders and arms.  This is important as you’re sending a positive message of health before your face comes into focus.

Your date is sizing you up. On a first date, both parties are looking each other over, searching for clues about their date’s personality and long-term potential. You only have a few hours together, so these clues will not only come from your conversation, but your non-verbal behavior as well. It’s all well and good to say you want your date to like you for you, but how will she ever get to know you if she turns down a second date? Be sure that how you dress sends the right signals and not only shows respect but reveals your personality.


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