Already a hit in London, Debby’s chic and comfortable flats for men are leaving their footprint on the New York fashion scene as they make their U.S. launch. The pliable shoes fold small enough to fit in a jacket pocket, briefcase or man bag.
We’ve all seen women carry around flats to change out of those uncomfortable heels and still look stylish. Now, men can do the same, and not worry about wearing those ugly white sneakers with their suit or slacks when taking the train or commuting to work. Try on these Prince Black or Tan instead and then change to your more formal shoes when needed. However, the Noble Black and Navy shoes look great that you can still wear them to work and under slacks or suits for a nice comfortable casual look. I’m wearing the Noble Black shoes now and they feel awesome plus look great under my pants. Get your pair at

Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Pinstripe Magazine. Creative thinker and menswear designer who has been writing articles dedicated to men’s fashion, lifestyle, luxury items, home design, gear, grooming and gadgets since 1998. For info on PinstripeMag, any editorial needs or to contact me please email at