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HomeSTYLEArt4 Pro Tips for Creating Art Consistently

4 Pro Tips for Creating Art Consistently

If you’re an artist who’s struggling with consistency, you’re not alone. After spending so much time trying to be creative and produce more artwork, many artists start to experience burnout. Creating art turns into a struggle instead of a fun passion.

It’s time to get back in the game, and we’re here to help. Read on to learn some of our top tips for getting back on track with your artwork.

  1. Make Art Part of Your Schedule

If you’re struggling to find time for your art, make time. There’s almost definitely at least a free hour in your week for you to focus on art.

How much time do you spend scrolling aimlessly on your phone after work or on the weekends? Do you find yourself watching Netflix for hours upon hours? Use some of that time for making art instead.

Start using a planner and block in a set amount of time every week (or, ideally, every day) for art.

creating art

  1. Remember That Anything Counts

This is a tough one for many people who have tried to learn how to be an artist in the past but got burnt out. You have to keep in mind that every piece of practice counts. Even if you doodle on a post-it note, it counts as practice and it’s worthwhile.

If you’re not feeling up to “real” art one day, don’t skip it entirely. Do something fun and silly, like making a paper bag puppet or doing childlike creativity exercises.

These will help you loosen up and they may inspire future projects.

  1. Give Yourself Fun Goals and Projects

On a similar note, remember that if you’re making art, it should be enjoyable. As long as the art isn’t for a specific paid project, set your own fun goals and create your own fun projects.

You could make an album cover design for an imaginary band, or set a goal to draw 100 faces in 100 days. You could follow a fun daily drawing prompt to reignite your creativity!

You’ll feel more motivated to continue producing art consistently if you’re making it fun for yourself.

  1. Use Social Media for Accountability

This tip is hit-or-miss, so if it doesn’t work for you, don’t feel discouraged.

If you love following artists on social media, why not become one? Start uploading your artwork on your account every day. Remember: the goal isn’t to get likes or followers (though that’s definitely a perk).

When you set a goal to upload a certain amount of posts every week, you’re giving yourself accountability. You may also discover a whole art community on the web that you can become a part of.

If you’re lucky, you’ll start gaining followers who love your work!

Get Back to Creating Art Today!

If you still have a passion for it, it’s time to start creating art again. Mix and match these tips to reignite your creative energy and start doing what you love again. Remember: you can’t improve if you’re not consistent.

For more helpful articles about the top trending topics in art and more, visit the rest of our site.

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