Grylls. Bear Grylls. Man Vs Wild Top 25 Man Moments
Grylls. Bear Grylls. Man Vs Wild Top 25 Man Moments. What better way to get psyched up for a camping trip than to spend an hour or two on a Sunday afternoon watching Man vs Wild and brushing up on your survival skills. I’ve been a huge fan of Bear Grylls and jump at the chance to watch anything he does. Check out the Bear Grylls, Man vs Wild Top 25 Man Moments dvd video from Discovery Channel. Pinstripe Magazine gives this DVD a Thumbs up!

Any Guy that claims to be a man will appreciate Bear’s skills. Without a doubt he is one of the men you should know about. He is a real life, modern day McGuyver and with all the survival shows out lately, you have to pay homage to the first and arguably the best, Mr Bear Grylls. He is a Survivalist Expert. His show Man vs Wild on Discovery Channel brings him on adventures through in and over the hairiest terrains. Bear’s adventures bring you across the desert, tropical, mountainous and arctic regions with a little flair and some stomach turning edibles.
Born in 1974, Bear served her majesty’s British Army and also the UK Special Forces Reserve, 21 Regiment Special Air Service 21 SAS(R) for 3 years until 1996. He is the youngest Brit to climb to the summit of Mount Everest at 23, less than 2 years after he broke 3 vertebrae as a result of a parachuting mishap.

Bear can create a hammock out of a bamboo tree, make fire from rocks and sticks, negotiate down cliffs and traverse across mountains. He has been known to eat raw wildlife right on camera such as live frogs, fish, spiders, raw goat testicles to demonstrate the extreme lengths that you sometimes need to go to find food and drink. All the things every guy would want to know in a life or death survival situation and a few you might not.

Witness his crazy Tarzan swings and leaps of faith that bring him into the sub-freezing waters crossing a river in Alaska, avoiding a flash flood in Vietnam, base jumping from a helicopter and his Breakfast in Morocco. Imagine 2 Locusts, 2 beetles, 2 moths, a preying mantis, crush it all up in a ball and what do you have ? The most disgusting gob stopper ever seen. The crew eats a bit of everything you see Bear eating on the show, with the exception of 1, find out which! Bear Grylls also does his best Han Solo and guts a dead camel and climbs inside to demonstrate one way to avoid a sandstorm in the Sahara desert!
All Guys have that inner survivalist/camper/boy scout in them and Bear jus shows you how to make the most of your skills. whether you’re a weekend warrior or find yourself suddenly lost in a life threatening survival environment. The situations are extreme, but the skills and concepts are sound and essential for surviving in the wilderness.
So, check out Bear Grylls Man vs Wild Top 25 Man Moments from Discovery Channel. Also included are full episodes from Pacific Island, Mexico and Texas, as well as BONUS behind the scenes footage and interviews with the Bear Grylls himself and the brave crew that films his adventures. Share in the excitement, experience the cliffhangers. This is an experience every guy should see.
Images via: Bear Grylls, Man vs Wild, The Top 25 Man Moments