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3 Ways to Increase Your Self-Control

3 Ways to Increase Your Self-Control

Self-control is one of those virtues that you could always have more of but that you may find hard to attain. You might be strong enough to resist one type of inclination, but you can still be quite susceptible to another. Whether it’s related to physical or mental health, a lack of self-control has a way of reminding us of our weaknesses and making the attainment of certain qualities seem nigh impossible. If you’re tired of being stuck in place, it may be time to actively strategize. Here are a few ways to increase your self-control.

Eliminate Temptation

You can’t give in to temptation if there’s none to begin with. Removing temptations that can lead to undesired behaviors is a highly effective method of staying in command of yourself. Try to think ahead and make your best effort to avoid tempting situations if you find yourself slipping up repeatedly. For instance, if you want to stop eating a lot of junk food, remove access to it in your home by passing up on the snack aisle at the grocery store. That way, you won’t find yourself staring at your pantry and trying not to open another bag of chips.

Make Measurable Goals

Having a goal in mind can motivate you to keep going when you want to falter. Each small choice you make puts you closer to that ideal result so that you can press on. To this end, make sure the goals you set for yourself are specific and realistic so that you can directly work toward reaching them. An intangible or impractical objective will help you about as much as having no goal at all. Always keep your goals.

Here’s a good illustration. If your goal is simply to spend less time looking at your cell phone, then your habits probably won’t change much. Instead, outline an actionable plan. A better goal would be to reduce your screen time to 30 minutes a day. You can use programs or apps to measure minutes and track your progress. If you’re still going above that 30-minute threshold, you can then think about what habits you need to change so that you can get control of it.

Get External Help

Sometimes, even when you try to control yourself, you may only get so far before falling back into your old ways. In these cases, getting help can break you out of the cycle. Working in tandem with temptation avoidance, you can use certain environments to boost your self-control.

For example, say you take Jiu Jitsu classes, where you must ensure the safety of yourself and others as you train. This might mean that you must maintain controlled movements and a calm mind-set even when you deal with the frustrations of learning and sparring. As this mental attitude becomes more a part of you over time, you can translate the skill to other areas of your life where you tend to yield to negative impulses. Changes will come more successfully, since you’ll have instructors and peers to guide you toward this discipline. This will definitely help you increase your self-control.


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