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Pest Prevention Methods

Pest Prevention Methods that Can Save Your Friend’s Business

So you are attending the opening of your best friend’s new restaurant. The place looks great and the food tastes amazing. You are definitely impressed with his new business and firmly believe he will enjoy much success—until you see a mouse scamper across the floor! Now what do you do? Do you tell your friend and ruin their big night? Do you keep it secret and hope the problem goes away? What if mice are not the only things crawling around his restaurant?

Pest Prevention

The problem with pests is that if they are left alone they multiply. A small rodent or insect has been the downfall of many a successful business. To avoid such calamity, it is important to face the subject of pest control head on. So you should tell your friend so they can save their company from future disaster. Here are the best steps your friend can take to successfully administer pest control.

Hire a Service

Hiring a pest control service to eliminate and maintain your business is a key factor in pest prevention. Building a relationship with a service like Joshua’s Pest Control is as important as buying stationary. Not only can they clean out infestations at the source, but they will also regularly spray your property to keep pests away. Pest services can handle all manner of unwanted intruders and they are experts in every situation you can think of. They also know how to properly handle chemicals to keep people safe and are licensed to use said chemicals. Follow that up with proper insurance and you take away the risk of damage or harm being done. If your friend already has a service they can come and deal with that mouse quickly. They will also make sure its friends and family do not show up either.

Block Entry Points

If pests cannot get inside your business than they cannot infest your business. One of the first steps to take for pest prevention is blocking all the entry points. This is done by filling in any cracks or holes present in the walls and floor. Also, keep entrance doors from the outside closed. Same things with windows. You leave a window open too long and flies eventually fly in. In the case of your friends business, he should also fully examine any food shipments that are coming in. Remember, anything you bring into your space can bring pests with it. So your friend should inspect incoming shipments to make sure they are not infested. If you are vigilant, then pests will never be able to gain access to the premises.

Seal Garbage

This is a big consideration for your friend. Sealing garbage is a huge factor for business within the food industry. Nothing attracts pests more than food and rotting food in a garbage can is like a neon sign. However, if the garbage is properly sealed and disposed of, the pests will never come calling. The disposal needs to be regular. Garbage containing food should never be left out for a long period of time. Also, recommend that your friend use heavy duty bags to avoid leakage.

Ventilate Basement, Attics, Crawl-Spaces

If a business has a basement or any storage area it should be properly ventilated. The idea is to keep moisture out. This is doubly important for places that use refrigeration. Moisture attracts pests on the same scale as food. So any and all moisture should be regularly maintained. Additionally, good ventilation keeps pests away from attics and crawl-spaces, mostly because it sucks said pests outside. Odds are your friend has a freezer and an ice machine on the premises so his attention on moisture should be more focused. If he utilizes proper ventilation, then his kitchen will be dry and any open spaces properly cycled.

Properly Handle Food

Another big consideration for your friend is how he handles food. Food should not be left out on any surface. The floor should be regularly swept and counters wiped off. If food is left out, it will bring pests to it. It is not the preparation and ingestion of the food that is the problem, it is what happens to the excess food afterward. At the end of the night, that kitchen should be spotless. One of the primary causes of pest infestation is improperly disposed of food.

So, discreetly tell your friend about his pest problem and have him get a professional. Soon the customers will be swarming the place, and not the pests.


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