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How to Retain Your SEO Clients Longer

SEO clients

Client retention and client acquisition are two different scenarios and both need honesty, hard work and passion. Client retention refers to how long and successfully you work with your existing clients by meeting their needs, standards and deliver what they expect while client acquisition means looking for new clients to kick off your services and career. Every business needs honesty and if you are in SEO, you got to have it at your fullest.

Client acquisition is sometimes tougher than client retention but here we will focus on how you can work with your SEO clients for long by following some simple rules. Not to ignore, if you can’t deliver and your client stops hiring your services any more, you are at risk. These unhappy clients send their negative feedback in their circles and it directly ruins your SEO services. Many of the well reputed SEO services like Serpdrift have retained their clients for long and these let us get some real motivation to grow.

Educate Your Clients

Once you have been hired, you must exert yourself to study your client’s website and find out all the areas that need changes, improvements and how they can be outdone. Start talking to your client and build his/her basics about SEO, in the event he/she doesn’t know much about SEO. Why this is important? To let your clients understand your efforts and work, your client must have some know-how of what you are doing. Even sometimes, the clients who are educated come up with better and real time solutions. This way you prepare a helping assistance for yourself and your client would definitely understand if some mishap happens.

Set Your Objectives

Objective here refer to what you have planned to achieve for your client’s website. Most of the time SEO experts brag off a lot but can’t deliver at the end. It leads to unsatisfied customers and reduced chances of retaining your clients. Believe me, you have some specific goals that you can attain for your client and put all those simply for your client. Tell your client what the site needs, what possible expenses are, how long it will take to build traffic and what possible changes may be required during work. Your goals will let your client be fair with you and you gain his/her favor too.

Prepare a Perfect Strategy

When you have been handed over the responsibility of taking your client’s website on top, you are all in all. No one is going to give hand in this regard. The best will be to analyze the current situation of website, find out all mistakes and areas that need more work and devise a plan confidentially. Make a written PDF document, present to your client and seek his/her help where required. The saved file will help you go through your plans during work as well. With such little things, you undoubtedly build trust with your client and gain their confidence. Duluth SEO agency is one of such exemplary SEO services that let their client take pride in its work done.

Listen to Your Clients

We mean you must be a passionate listener. Perfect works always incorporate what the client needs. The doer should carefully listen to what the clients need, what to expect from you and what sort of a product they look for after hiring your services. In SEO, the clients want better ranking, appearance of their websites in top search results and improved organic traffic. Seek their guidance and recommend them what more would be required for their websites. Let them know if any extra expenses would occur.

Honesty is the Best Policy

I believe there is no profession that needs dishonest and corrupt people. In SEO profession, you have to be honest with your clients otherwise they will get ruined. Many fake SEO services have done damages to many website owners and they really see themselves in deep waters. Never let your clients regret for hiring you, rather be their pride. Inform your clients about all details, marketing tools, reporting systems, strategies and time span you will need to build a top-notch website. You can’t get their marketing done from your pocket. Be clear with your client if the website needs infographics and other relevant marketing tactics.

Final Thoughts

SEO is the backbone of any business and it gains more attention when a business solely relies on the website. You must be proficient in what you do and being a SEO professional, your client’s success is subjected to your work, policies and executions. I assure you to have long term clients if you deliver them what they really need, care about their needs, listen to them and take their work as yours.


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