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HomeSUCCESSGuidanceHow to Design a Mad Men Inspired Room

How to Design a Mad Men Inspired Room

Not that we ever needed any external validation to help us prove it to ourselves (and the world) how macho we truly are, but a little encouragement never hurt anyone, did it?

How to Design a Mad Men Inspired Room

Interior design has always served a very specific purpose: to showcase, i.e. reflect one’s personal sentiment and identity onto their living space all the while keeping its initial, decorative aspect adamant. Naturally, not everyone has the same attitude towards interior design manipulation for the purpose of communicating their personalities through their interior design décor but those who do find it liberating and cheering.

Speaking of those who love using interior design as a means of staying in touch with their thoughts and emotions, it is not uncommon (for them) to find inspiration in TV characters, book heroes, scientists and their accomplishments, and other easy-to-relate-to or easy-to-admire personalities when approaching their interior design.

Even though the show’s been off the screen for a while now, we’ve still been seeing a lot of Mad Men inspired rooms due to its iconic masculinity, forever-inspiring to the male populous. Men find it stimulating; women find it hot – what more is there to want, right?

If you happen to be one of the artistic, creative souls who love expressing themselves through the elements of their personal space, and just happen to absolutely adore Mad Men, read below to get inspired and create your own Mad Men paradise.

Madly modern

Mid-century modern design, known for its sleek lines and geometric shapes pretty much marked the 1960s furniture design altogether. The problem with the interior design aesthetics of the ‘60s is that, if forced, it can look a little boxy sometimes. To achieve a modern look, designers of the time usually relied on angles softened with curves and warm colors.

For the most part, the “soft” inspiration came from organic shapes like the egg and the tulip; still, the 1960s design wasn’t entirely devoid of ornamentation: the pieces would often have graphic woodwork incorporated into the designs and/or symmetrical tufted buttons for an added element of freshness.

Therefore, if you are looking to give your living space a hint of the ‘60s, remember that symmetry and simplicity are key. Less is more, even when things go retro.

Vintage holdovers

How to Design a Mad Men Inspired Room

Vintage seems to be working perfectly with all design eras, Mad Men era included. It’s been reported that Mad Men’s decorators included plenty of items from the 1940s and 1950s into the sets to avoid the scene looking too stylized and fake.

Most households collect their family belongings over time, leading to the interior design that features elements from multiple decades – and this is precisely what Mad Men designers did – they used vari

Bold color palettes and geometric prints

ous elements to give the scene authenticity. In creating your Mad Men inspired space, keep it from looking too styled and polished. Include vintage items in the interior, search antique stores and flea markets for 1950s pieces like a console television with a wooden casing or imitate your heroes’ style with handmade Chicicat replica furniture and reproduced designer lamps.

Bold color palettes and geometric prints

How to Design a Mad Men Inspired Room

While you may have drooled over Roger Sterling’s office and its masculine monochromatic black and white, most ‘60s color palettes were much more vibrant than that.

If anything, designers in the 1960s were fearless with their use of bright colors which Mad Men designers beautifully copied through the masterful inclusion of vibrant colors in every single segment of the crew’s on-set lives (should we really remind you of loads of burnt-orange sofas featured in the series and bold bright colors that graced kitchen elements, living rooms and office spaces of the Mad Men empire).

Small accessories and floral arrangements were no longer vibrant-colored accent pieces as the shift was made onto the bigger, focal-point pieces of furniture. To achieve the same effect in your home, paint one wall in your room in a vibrant ‘60s color and upholster large furniture items in a fiery red or a brilliant blue. For an added effect, incorporate accent pillows with geometric prints in your interior along with wood accent tables with simple, modern lines.

Congratulations, you’re now ready to live as a Mad Man.


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