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HomeWEALTHGuidance7 Things That Can Make You Look Like a Successful Man

7 Things That Can Make You Look Like a Successful Man

successful man

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure,” said Colin Powell, former United States national security advisor, and a retired four-star general. Indeed, successful men are not born; they make themselves. If you’re looking to join their ranks, start from building the foundations, work on how you present yourself, how you think, and how you act.

There are seven things you need to accomplish to not just look like a successful man but also be one.

Being informed

A successful man is a good conversationalist, who can discuss different topics. Make reading a daily habit. About 88 percent of wealthy people, primarily self-made millionaires, read books for at least fifty minutes a day, according to a survey by best-selling author, accountant, and financial planner Tom Corley. Reading makes you informed and open-minded, two requisites of a good conversationalist.

Staying fit

Exercise has many proven benefits, like improving health, boosting energy, enhancing the mood, to name a few. An average adult needs to at least thirty minutes of exercise or physical activity every day. If you can’t fit a visit to the gym in your daily schedule, go 10-minute brisk walks, use the stairs, and stretch your body from time to time. Moreover, eating well-balanced meals and getting at least eight hours of sleep every night is essential to staying fit.

Dressing well

Your clothes don’t just influence how other people see you; it also how affects how you see yourself. A 2012 study at the Northwestern University looked into “enclothed cognition,” a term used to describe how clothes influence their wearers. Researchers found that participants’ attentiveness and carefulness increased when they were made to wear white lab coats, especially when researchers called them “doctor’s coat.”

There’s no specific style for successful people, but dressing well and proper grooming always projects a positive image.

Building character

“Knowledge will give you power, but character respect,” said Bruce Lee, one of the most successful and renowned men of all time. Looking successful is more than just skin deep. Successful men have firm and admirable characters, built by the challenges they’ve overcome and things they’ve experienced. They emit a certain aura that is tangible. A man with a good character may dress simply, but their fine qualities will always shine through and gain the respect and admiration of many.

Having the right attitude

Looking successful is more than dressing the part. It’s also about having the right attitude.  Former American baseballer Wade Boggs was right when he said, “A positive attitude causes a chain reaction of positive thoughts, events, and outcomes. It is a catalyst, and it sparks extraordinary results ” Be confident, driven, and most importantly, positive, and success will follow.

Keeping productive

Successful people are rarely idle. They always have a goal or two that they’re working on. Set challenging goals for yourself—whether it’s submitting a report or clearing your email’s inbox—and complete them within an imposed deadline. The feeling of accomplishment will give you a boost and fuel you to achieve bigger and greater goals. Long-term goals will direct your path and help you keep your eye on the prize.

Maintaining your ride

There are well-known stereotypes about car owners and the car they drive (e.g., Subaru Outback owners are professional dads, Fiat 500 owners are hipsters who are bad at parking, etc.). The car you drive doesn’t matter (ignoring stereotypes), but your competence as car owner does. That means learning how to maintain your ride and care for your car parts. Being knowledgeable about cars conveys an image of a man who knows his stuff.

Are you ready to succeed?

Success is a way of life. It’s not enough to look it. You should also think and live it. Being successful requires constantly and consistently working on improving yourself.

Everything begins with a sound mind and body. Being healthy and clear-headed helps you stay focused on your goals. As you overcome challenges along the way, you will gain the knowledge and experiences that will help you look and become a successful man.


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