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HomeWEALTHGuidance6 Most Effective Shaving Tips for Teen Guys

6 Most Effective Shaving Tips for Teen Guys

Shaving Tips

This is the time for you to learn some essential manly lessons to groom yourself for the rest of your life. By now, you must have remarked that every part of your body can grow hairs. The androgen hormone, which is responsible for puberty makes some significant changes in your body. As a result, hair starts growing on the chin, upper-lips, armpit, and near your groin. This is the sign that you are now a grown-up. This article includes shaving tips that can serve as your guide.

Here, you shall find some great tips to start shaving:

1. Find out the right time to start

It’s pretty much predictable that you are too excited to start shaving and shaping your beard. But, before starting you must clear up a few things like is it the right time to start? or how to do shaving? Consult your dad or elder brother and find out their first time experience and learning.

Sometimes, it is good to wait a little more and let your facial hair become thick enough to shave. Moreover, you must not use a razor on your bare skin as you are still growing and your skin is too soft to take it.

2. Know the difference between the Razors

Don’t get surprised to find so many razor choices in the market. Men grooming is also an important aspect. There are two main categories of razors: Traditional and Modern.

Traditional Razor – This is the razor that your grandfather must have been using. Now, there are many modifications in this style than earlier. Few of the changes are multiple blades, cushioning pad and the flexible heads. However, this is the most traditional and efficient shaving tool to give you the cleanest shave. Shaving gel or cream is must to reduce any risk of cutting or hurting your skin. This is a great tool to start your adulthood journey.

Modern Razor – You guessed it right, this is the electric razor. This is a highly convenient option even though it does not shave very close like manual razors. Pick an electric razor with a flexible head so that it can reach difficult areas of the face. Some electric razors have inbuilt lubricants to defend your skin from any kind of harm or cuts. Still, if your skin is too sensitive, irritation can be felt.

3. Preparations prior to shaving

This is the initial step of shaving. Never start shaving without preparation. If you are a traditional razor fan, use hot water to wash your face properly and then apply shaving cream. Make sure to use a sufficient amount of lubricant to apply on your face evenly. And, if you are electric razor fan, use pre-electric shave lotion to straighten up your facial hairs for better shaving. Taking precaution than medications is the best practice.

4. Learn the right methods

Shaving is not simple, but it is a tactful process. Each shaving stroke requires the right move. Always shave from upwards to downward. Random strokes can harm your skin and may result in acne. Even try applying pressure and consider taking longer strokes. After every one or two stokes, wash the blades thoroughly with water ensuring it has no hair remains left. Also, don’t forget to follow the golden rule of keeping your blade perpendicular to the direction of a shave. Don’t forget to go slow and steady!

5. Never neglect aftercare

 Shaving can be rough to your skin. Hence it’s your moral duty to take care of your skin after every shaving session. There are plenty of aftershave lotion and moisturizers available in the market. You can pick any of your preferred brands to moisturize your skin after a shave. You will have no idea how thankful your skin will be after this.

6. Sanitize your tools after every use

Razors must be sanitized or washed thoroughly to remove any residue of the last session. This should be a lifelong rule to ensure safe shaving. Also, make sure to clean up well so that there are no remains of shaving cream on the face. If you are using an electric razor, the whiskers need to be cleaned out every few days to ensure its efficient working.

Additional tips to remember while shaving for the first time

  • Consider shaving after taking a warm shower for the soft and hydrating skin.
  • Use warm water while shaving as it helps hair to stick out and allows better shaving.
  • Use of shaving cream or gel is compulsory as your skin is fresh and too young to face the razor.
  • Follow the growth direction while shaving it off. This way you will get a smooth and clean shave without causing any irritation to your skin.
  • Be gentle to your skin and go slow with even pressure throughout your shaving area.
  • Buy antiseptic styptic pencil to apply on any nicks to control bleeding or cut during the process.
  • If you have the traditional razor, change your blades often so that the chance of getting cut can be reduced.
  • There is a high probability that you might get a little cut near your jawline or chin area so, it is better to keep first-aid handy.
  • Don’t try to shape your beard on your very first shave, let the hair grow properly. So, for an initial few time, clean it up.

Facial hairs are proof that you are physically matured now. So, pull out your shaving kit and follow the above advice for revealing your neatly shaved face. Also, remember not to shave too often as it might affect severely on the skin.


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