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HomeWEALTHGuidance5 Ultimate Man Cave Ideas

5 Ultimate Man Cave Ideas

Ever since the beginning of time, men needed their own space where they can relax and hide away from the world (or their better halves). A place where they can have a drink or two with buddies and talk about the sports. Having a man cave isn’t only good for privacy though, as it’s also one of the best ways to turn an unused space into something special, something with a statement. Your sanctuary doesn’t have to be expensive either, as many of these ideas we are about to highlight can be done on a tight budget.

Wooden Pallets Are Your Friend

Not only can you use wooden pallets to cover a wall in your basement or garage, but you can also use them to create your very own bar inside a man cave. These things are so versatile that they can be turned into almost anything you want, from furniture to a wall that’s going to divide your man cave into two.

A Barn Man Cave

There’s probably no better space to turn into a man cave than your own barn. They are usually really high and made out of wood, which will spare you a lot of trouble. Add a wooden floor to match the walls and the roof and you can even leave the walls as they already are – it’s going to give your man cave stand out more. Throw in a ping-pong table, carpet and add some functional furniture and a TV and you’re all set to spend a lot of time in it alone or with your friends.

A Garage Man Cave

A garage is usually the least frequented space in one’s home, along with a basement. Very often garage isn’t even used to keep a car in it, but rather as a storage for all sorts of stuff. Well, guess what? You can ditch all the clutter and turn your garage into the best man cave ever! If you don’t want to completely get rid of the stuff, you can always store it inside a storage in Brisbane. Install a carpet and heating inside so that you’re not freezing in the winter. Add your sports memorabilia, a bar, throw in a couch and a TV and you’re good to go!

You Don’t Have to go With a Theme

Most people who build their man caves go with a certain theme, anything from baseball, football, fishing, or horse racing. However, many people who aren’t avid fans of a specific activity would also like to have their own man cave but are afraid to do it because of lack of theme. Don’t force yourself into a theme unless you’re really crazy about it, there’s nothing worse than having a man cave that’s built for others instead of for yourself. Mix the styles and do anything that makes you comfortable and you’ll be just fine.

Add a Focal Point

What every room needs, and so does a man cave, is a focal point. This can be anything from a flag on your wall to a huge TV that’s in the middle of the room. However, sometimes you can even go for a huge focal point, something like a billiard table, or even a car. The more attention it attracts the better – and the main rule is that it should be something that’s important to you. You can even go for a car-themed decor which is fairly common and doesn’t have to cost you a lot.

Bottom Line

When it comes to your man cave, it’s important that you create it to best reflect who you are. Don’t be afraid to experiment on your own and do something out of the ordinary. Think outside the box and you’ll undoubtedly create something original which you’ll be very proud of. A man cave should be there to help you relax and spend some time in a place that’s all yours, so do anything you need to in that direction. The ideas we’ve highlighted in this article should get you started. You can modify them to your needs and combine them to your liking.


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