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HomeMen's Grooming5 Tips for Maintaining that Perfect Hairstyle Through the Summer

5 Tips for Maintaining that Perfect Hairstyle Through the Summer


Summer is just around the corner, and we are sure you already booked some well-deserved city breaks or at least a beach vacation. You may have already revamped your wardrobe and offered a little makeover to your summer accessories. However, when you are getting ready for the summer, you should never forget about your haircut and perfect hairstyle.

During the hot season, your hair takes quite a beating from UV rays, salt water, exposure to pool chlorine, wind, sand, and so on. Caring for your hairstyle in the summer means more than just using some hair styling products. Today we will focus on five tips to maintain your haircut and a perfect hairstyle!

1. Get the Best Haircut for the summer

Get ready to rock the summer with a new, cool haircut that makes you look amazing and keeps you cool at the same time! Talk to your hairstylist about the new trends of the year – do not go against your hair. Some of the best perfect hairstyles of this summer are:

  • High fades with textured top hair;
  • Crew-cuts with fades and side sweeps;
  • Tapered cuts and the classic undercuts;
  • Spiked top hair with side parts and high fades, and more.

When you ask for a new haircut, do not forget to ask about its maintenance difficulty, the needed trimmings during the season, the best products to use for your hair type, and so on.

2. Protect your hairstyle depending on where you spend your free time

Your hair looks amazing indoors and for a few moments in the urban outdoor environment because you do not expose it to the elements for long periods. Nevertheless, when you spend a whole day at the beach, at the pool, or at the barbecue party, your hair will suffer some damages. Therefore, here is what you need to know and do about your perfect hairstyle depending on where you plan to spend the summer:


Sand, salt water, wind, and sun can make your hair look like straw, besides discoloring it. If you want to preserve your hairstyle in tip-top shape no matter how often you go to the beach this summer, make sure you follow these tips:

  • Run your hands lightly through your hair after you applied sunscreen to your body; sunscreen will protect your scalp from UV rays and offer your hair some necessary moisturizing and UV protection;
  • Keep a protective hair lotion containing water, aloe vera juice, and avocado oil (or argan oil); spray on your hair during the beach day or whenever you feel your hair is dry and needs control. The oils will coat your hair in a protective layer preventing salt water from damaging the internal structure of your hair and strip out its natural moisture;
  • If you have a windy day ahead, use a hat to prevent wind damage.


Besides the pieces of advice presented above, you should also protect your hair against chlorine, which is found in most pools. Even if you only swim a few hours before or after work, in time your hair will suffer. Here is what you need to do:

  • Wear a cap;
  • Apply a mixture of water and leave-in conditioner on your hair before you go into the swimming pool, so the chlorine does not damage your hair and scalp;
  • If you are a blonde and chlorine changes your hair color, rinse your wet hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and water.


3. Get a Monthly Haircut and Trim

Many men choose to get a haircut at the beginning of the season and then forget about it until the end of the season. You must know that if you sport an undercut hairstyle or a perfect hairstyle needing attention and updating, you cannot just forget about your appointments with your hairstylist.

Faded and tapered hairstyles need adjusting, trimming, and care. Make time and talk to your hairstylist about the damage your hair took thus far and some protective means you could employ in the future.

A monthly haircut and styling help you better manage the damage your hair already took and prevents future hair problems from getting out of control.

4. Try Natural Deep Conditioning Once a Week Depending on Where You Spend Time

You may want to spend the summer in the mountains instead of the beach, or in urban environments capturing on camera landmarks and peoples’ stories. It doesn’t matter where you love to hang out during the summer, as your hair is vulnerable at all times. Here are some ideas on how to use deep natural conditioning and natural hair care methods:

Beach and Pool

If your summer consists mostly of beach, sand, pools, and sun, you have great chances of ending the season with straw-like hair, which looks dull. You can mitigate the damage by following the advice above, but you still need to care for your hair with attention.

Hair that took in plenty of sun, chlorine, water, sand, and wind will benefit most from hair masks containing moisturizing ingredients. You can consider avocado masks, olive oil, argan oil, coconut oil, and hair treatments containing natural omega 3s, vitamins, and minerals.

Urban Environments

Heat and pollution are dangerous for your health, skin, and hair. If you stay in the city or travel in urban areas, you should always wear a hat. If you do not want to ruin your perfect hairstyle with a hat, here are some things you need to know:

  • Give up sticky and heavy hair products – they act like a magnet for dust, ash, micro-particulates in the air, and other pollutants. They will make your hair look and feel dirty, leading to hair and scalp problems in time.
  • Avoid heat when drying your hair;
  • Never go out in the city with your hair wet or oily;
  • If you want to use professional hair styling products, use shampoo and deep conditioner dedicated to pollution-damaged hair;
  • Increase your protein intake (fish, yogurts, nuts, some fruits, and vegetables, etc.) to keep the roots of your hair healthy;
  • Use a homemade mask and treatment at least once a week – including honey, vinegar, strawberries, etc. and rinse your hair with lukewarm water.


If you are the mountain type of guy, remember to use sunscreen on your skin and hair as the sun and to wear some form of a protective cap for your hair. While high altitudes come with fresher, cleaner air that will not harm your skin and hair, UV in the mountains are just as dangerous as the ones on the beach.

5. Be Mindful about What You Eat and Drink

Let us put it this way: if what you eat has a direct impact on your abs, it will also affect your hair. You need healthy proteins, vitamins, and minerals to keep your hair healthy no matter where and how you intend to spend this summer. Moreover, remember to hydrate. At all times.

While we all know summer is all about beach cocktail parties and a long night out enjoying the hottest new restaurants in town, you simply have to be mindful of your diet. In case you didn’t know, your hair suffers from the lack of calcium, zinc, vitamins, iron, and so on. A healthy diet will keep you in shape and energized, will keep your skin smooth and your hair shiny, thick, and gorgeous. Summer can also be about delicious salads, gourmet fish, seafood, and exotic dairy, not only about barbecues and burgers.

What do you do to protect and maintain your perfect hairstyle this summer? Are you loyal to some products or some care methods you would like to share?

Image source: herehere


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