Wednesday, March 19, 2025
HomeWEALTHGuidance5 Social Media And Modern Dating Downsides

5 Social Media And Modern Dating Downsides

The new dating scene is nothing like what our parents knew, what their parents knew, or even what WE knew 10 years ago. The social media revolution combined with cell phones attached to our hips has the world changing faster than ever and people interacting more than any other time in history. And what that does to dating is introduce a whole new paradigm where we are always connected, with multiple people, and we’re all discovering a brand-new world that none of us quite understand.

For some men, this has been a godsend for their dating lives. It’s easier to meet women and it’s easier to juggle more women at one time, if that’s what you’re into. But as usual, it’s not all for the best. There are plenty of reasons why the social media scene can damage your dating life, and it’s important keep little perspective. So here are five potentially damaging aspects of the modern social media dating scene to keep in mind.

1. It’s All Out There For Everyone To See
2. What You See Is Not Always What You Get 
3. Temptation Is Everywhere
4. Distraction, Distraction, Distraction
5. Social Media Breeds Jealousy

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