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HomeSUCCESSHealth & Fitness5 Essential Strategies for Post-Workout Recovery

5 Essential Strategies for Post-Workout Recovery

Did you know that what you do right after the workout is just as important as the workout itself? That’s right, all your huffing and puffing at the gym might end up being severely compromised if you don’t take care of your body the right way and give it a chance to recover. Recovery isn’t just about resting either, it’s about making sure the muscles you’ve just built remain muscles, instead of being used as a source of energy by your body and degrading quickly. But hey, we have been buffing up for nothing guys, so let’s talk about what can we do to recover from tough workouts, maximize our efforts, and remain as beefy as ever!

Starvation is no one’s friend

Proteins and carbs

This is probably the number one mistake we see with beginner bodybuilders and guys who want to lose weight quickly. They work out really hard, they eat little, and then they end up feeling weak, tired, and as flabby as ever. Where did it all go wrong? Your diet, of course. Not eating is the worst idea in the world if you’re looking to build muscle, but post-workout snacks are particularly important. Eating within the first 45 minutes of finishing your workout will help you build more muscle, so it’s a good idea to grab either a quick protein shake, or a small meal (chicken with veggies, for example). You want to focus on protein (which is basically like the building block of muscle tissue) and carbs (which will replenish lost energy). Bear in mind that you want to pick healthy carbs, like almonds, walnuts, or maybe whole grain toast, and not just turn to a chocolate bar.

Use movement as your daily medicine

While it’s tempting to just slump down on the couch after a workout, it’s not really good for your muscles. They can quickly become stiff and sore, and it’s much better to keep moving and boost your circulation to make sure you remain flexible. Take a walk, or just remain standing for a while to get the benefits.

Supplements are your way to energy

Magnesium for energy

Certain supplements can vastly improve an athlete’s recovery time and muscle gain, and it’s definitely something to consider, especially if you have any deficiencies. Something to help the joints, such as glucosamine, chondroitin, or omega-3, will be very useful for bodybuilders who can sometimes develop joint aches from weight lifting. Another thing that will help pretty much anyone who’s working out are quality magnesium supplements which will help relieve sore muscles and improve recovery. Magnesium deficiency is generally considered one of the most common problems today, and more than half of adults in the US are below their recommended daily allowance, so magnesium supplements are definitely encouraged.

Stretch, massage, and get the blood flowing


If you’re not going to warm up before and stretch after, then just don’t do a workout, period. Both are essential to preventing injury, and stretching is a step you should never skip, regardless of how tiring your workout was. Another good thing to do are self-massages with a foam roller (or actual sports massages with a professional). These will help the blood flow and can really ease any cramping or soreness.

Have a recovery week

The constant strain takes its toll, and intense workouts can end up pushing you way beyond your limits. You don’t want to end up exhausted and injured, so to prevent that, introduce recovery weeks every once in a while. This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do anything for a week, but rather reduce the intensity of your workouts. Either do slow exercise such a yoga, or simply do your regular exercises at half intensity to allow your body some time to rest and recover on its own.

If you’re in Oregon, pay a visit to your physical therapist in Portland, otherwise find a good one in or local area and get some practical tips for avoiding injury and making the most out of low exercise periods.

Serious about getting in shape, following the proper steps is quite important. But this doesn’t need to be a chore – the tips we gave you are actually just good lifestyle tips in general, and incorporating them will help you stay healthy and full of energy.


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