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HomeWEALTHGuidance5 Best Ways To Impress A Woman of Your Dreams

5 Best Ways To Impress A Woman of Your Dreams

Unfortunately, there is no magic formula that would instantly impress any woman, but there are ways in which you can influence her decision. By indicating that you are an interesting and stable person, she may be more inclined to meet you and get to know you. However, as she doesn’t really know the real you, you have to give hints and clues to your personality. Your physical appearance and your manners may speak louder than words in this respect. So for example, if you open the door for her, you will show that you are respectful and care about her.

We have chosen 5 ways in which you will present yourself in a best possible way.

1. First impressions count

Looks are not everything but they do count. Before you grab the first thing in your closet, check your shirt for stains or whether it needs ironing. Your clothes don’t have to be expensive but in order to make a great impression, you should present yourself as neat and tidy.

The same goes for your hair and beard. It’s one thing to be rugged and a completely another one to be messy.

impress a woman

2. Be a gentleman

Perhaps it sounds cheesy but being a gentleman is always the correct course of action. You don’t have to make some grand gestures but you can do small ones like holding her coat, opening the door or pulling out her chair. Simple gestures like these show your interest and intentions better than flowers or well-spoken lines. Not that flowers or well-chosen words could hurt neither.

That being said, you don’t have to chase her to the door to open them first but if the opportunity is there go for it. The right girl will appreciate the small tokens of chivalry.

3. A hobby to talk about

We all like our jobs to some degree but choosing an interesting hobby can offer a better way to spend our free time but it can also be a way for the special someone to learn more about us. Depending on your preferences the hobby can be anything. For instance, doing free climbing doesn’t only show that you are a sporty type but it also tells her that you are adventurous and like to push yourself beyond your limitations. But if you prefer spending your time in your garden, arranging your tools and hoses, you will imply that you are a stable, patient and hard-working man.

Remember that a hobby isn’t just another way to sound interesting, but a different way for her to learn about your qualities.

4. Hold a conversation

They say women fall in love with words, but what women love more is someone they can have a meaningful conversation with. Set your phone aside and try to learn more about her but also share things about yourself. Listen intently, ask questions and answer honestly. Also, keep your body language up to speed, keep your body relaxed but don’t slouch. Look at her when she speaks and uses gestures (but not too many). Maybe you can make a joke if you think it is appropriate for the situation but most importantly watch for signals to learn whether she is into you and what you are doing.

5. Hang out with her friends

You don’t have to become best friends with her friends but you do need to make a good impression. Her friends are important to her and their opinion of you may be crucial for your relationship. Though this inclines more stress on your part, try not to worry too much. Instead focus on their words, their names, interests, jobs etc. If you can’t get a word out, follow the conversation anyway and show interest in expressions and short comments.

If everything else fails, you can always talk about the person you all know. For instance, each of you might have an interesting story of how they’ve met her.


All in all, reflect your confidence in your appearance and your conduct. Keep your clothes nice and clean, as tidiness will mean more to her than expensive wardrobe. Remember that first impressions count, so don’t neglect your overall physical appearance. Your neatness will speak before you do and tell her a lot about you. Of course, that doesn’t mean you don’t have to speak at all. On the contrary, by having conversations with her, and later on with her friends, you can show yourself as a possible man of her dreams.


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